Chapter 150

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            "Here's the itinerary." Noel said handing me another piece of paper.

It was a sheet of loose-leaf notebook paper with his chicken scratch all over it.

"Obviously, we're gonna have to make a few minor adjustments 'cuz the twenty-fourth of October has already been and gone. But that'll be easy enough to do I reckon so long as you agree."

"Yep." I replied focusing on what I was reading.

2/11/00 – Southsea

Aquarium, piers, boardwalk, fish and chips

3/11/00 – London

"Mudlarks in London." I told him.

"Huh?" He twisted his face in confusion.

"I wanna go down by the Thames and look for stuff like Mudlarks do."

"Oh-kay but it might be proper dirty down there, Adds. Actually, I know it will be-"

"We ain't gotta touch nothin'. Just walk around and look at stuff while the tide's out."

He sighed. "Fair enough." He took the paper back from me and wrote something down. Then, he gave it back to me.

Mudlarks, staying at ours (Camden or Marylebone) and NOT Our Kid's or Your Kid's

"Your Kid lives with Our Kid though." I reminded him.

"Not by choice!" He countered. "Only outta obligation and if I ever got to power, I'd outlaw people livin' together. Especially Your Kid and our Bod!"

"I reckon your Bod's gonna have to make that decision on his own!"

"Oh, he will, yeah! Just you fuckin' wait and see!"

I shrugged my eyebrows as I gazed back down at the itinerary.

4/11/00 – Edinburgh

Kelpies, unicorns, staying at the Dunstane again

5/11/00 – Glasgow

Loch Ness Monster, kelpies and unicorns again, Scottish Highland Cattle (NOT BUYING OWT!!), viaduct from your books

6/11/00 – Sheffield

Happy Birthday Adds, figuring out what the fuck a Wednesday is

7/11/00 – Nottingham

Nottingham Natural History Museum, Sherwood Forest

8/11/00 – Cardiff


9/11/00 – Wrexham


10/11/00 – Manchester


11/11/00 – Liverpool


"Then, we'll finish everythin' off with a belated birthday tea for yer at Mam's." He informed me. "What yer reckon?"

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