Chapter 107

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            The air hung heavy in our bedroom at the Animal Kingdom Lodge with an icy chill. Noel and I lay covered up under all the blankets but I was still freezing. I shivered a little as I curled up into a sort of ball trying to generate body heat and cuddled into Noel for more warmth.

"Noel." I whispered nudging his shoulder. "Noel."

"Hmm?" He grunted opening his eyes less than halfway.

"I'm cold!" I burrowed into his chest.

"Well what d'ya want me to do about it?"

"Turn off the frickin' air conditioner!"

He tutted. "That's not the answer I was lookin' for!"

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "Well what did you expect then?"

He grunted a little as he rolled over and wrapped his arms around me. "C'mere." He instructed pulling me into his chest.

I nuzzled into his warm skin while he tucked the blankets in around us. "It's still-"

"Shh!" He shushed me squeezing me a little tighter. "Just relax, yeah?"

"I can't!" I whined kicking my feet a bit. "I'm too cold!"

"Well if ya'd stop squirmin' around and just lay still...just relax, Adds. I'll warm you up good and proper, I will." He hugged me even closer.

But I pulled back a bit. "It's not working! I'm still fucking freezing!"

He clicked his tongue. "Honestly, me mind boggles at the very idea. We're in Florida for fuck's sake! There's only two temperatures here: hot and too fuckin' hot!"

"Well we can't all be hairy northerners like you!" I jibed.

"Oi!" He exclaimed. "The fuck d'ya mean by that, eh? I'm not-"

"Yes you are! And you're used to perpetually cold and rainy weather."

"At least we know what's comin' in the North of England! You're from Ohio! You lot go through all four seasons in the same fuckin' week! Fuckin' inconsistent!"

I rolled my eyes. "Turn the air conditioner off!" I ordered.

"No!" He replied shaking his head.


"I'm not gonna fuckin' sweat to death!" He shifted his body a little making the bed sink. "You have all these fuckin' blankets, you're not gonna throw off me...what'd you call it? Homeo-summat."

"Homeostasis." I corrected him.

"That's it, yeah." He agreed pointing his finger a bit. "And if I turn off the air conditioner I'll turn off me homeostasis as well."

"I don't think you shut it off. I think you just throw it off balance."

He nodded. "Yeah well you turn off that fuckin' air conditioner and my internal balance is gonna be well fucked up! I'm gonna sweat it the fuck out!"

"Noel." I pressed my face more into his chest.

He breathed out as he wrapped his arms around me hugging me tight. "Ya don't need me to turn off the A/C. You just need me to cuddle ya which y'know I'm well good at." He explained with a grin.

I smiled against his skin before kissing it.

"Oh?" Noel chuckled as I began tonguing all over his chest. He sighed grunting a little when I got near his right nipple. "Adds?"

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