Chapter 94

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The one unfortunate plus side of being in America while the band was in Europe was that I didn't have to hear about them. American news never mentioned Oasis and what they were up to. And MTV rarely included their music videos in rotation with the exception of "Wonderwall" and "Champagne Supernova". The new songs hardly seemed to break through despite the record sales which were close behind the ones across the pond.

            But I was thankful I didn't have to see them. Or hear them. Or hear and see people talk about them. They wouldn't tour the States until after the New Year and Ohio wasn't even on the upcoming list of dates.

            I tried to forget where they were headed after Spain. Somewhere in Europe though. With maybe a few stops in England towards the end of the month.

            I stayed with my parents like I had when Noel and I went back for a visit just a few weeks beforehand. I already felt lonely enough and staying in Lakewood would've only made it worse.

            Dad made sure to ask me if my visit was actually a move back home. I told him I didn't know and tried my hardest to keep my tears at bay.

            Before I knew it, it was almost Thanksgiving. I did my best not to think about the previous one but knew deep down this year's would probably be even worse.

            We were following the family tradition for Thanksgiving of 1997. We'd all gather up at my grandparents' house for dinner like we'd done since the beginning of time. The whole family would be there including my Aunt Sheila and her husband who were traveling all the way from Florida. If the holiday wasn't already fucked thanks to me, I couldn't wait to hear my annoying ass "step uncle" running his mouth about things he had no clue about to make up for it.

            My mom offered to make the bread and rolls as she usually did and needed to go to the store to get the ingredients.

            "Want me to go with you?" I inquired.

            "Sure." She replied.

            We drove into town to the grocery store. The same one she sent me and Noel two years prior to buy stuff she needed back then. The parking lot was full which it always seemed to be in recent times. We found a spot down the end furthest away from the entrance and took it as fast as we could.

            It seemed like the whole town was in shopping for various items required to put on a family Thanksgiving. A lot of stuff was on sale so that only added to the madness.

            Mom grabbed a cart and we got on our way. She had a list about a mile long of all the things we needed. We'd be having our own Thanksgiving at home later on so we needed another round of all the side dishes and things you'd expect.

            We meandered up and down the aisles wading through other shoppers as needed. I tried to focus on people watching or fetching whatever my mom asked me to. Anything to keep my mind from wandering back to Europe.

            Our cart was about halfway full and we were stopped about halfway down the canned vegetable aisle when Mom remembered something she forgot.

            "Wait here. I'll be right back." She instructed before disappearing down the aisle leaving me alone with the cart.

            I held onto the push bar as I stared at the various items next to me on the shelf. Different brands of sweet corn, green beans, sliced carrots...and then a baby giggled.

            I gasped a little turning back to the cart...and there he sat smiling at me.

            "Hi!" I smiled back.

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