Chapter 118

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I rolled over and jumped at the sudden icy and empty chill that replaced Noel's warm and wonderful embrace. I opened my eyes and gazed through the darkness to find myself completely alone. "Noel?" I called scanning the room.

            But he didn't respond and was nowhere to be found so I had no choice but to go look for him.

            A few lights were on downstairs but only the ones we always left on. Just in case one of us needed to go down there for something there was no sense in feeling through the dark.

            I marched through the main level of the house on my quest to find Noel. I was almost to the kitchen when something outside on the patio caught my eye through the sliding glass door.

            I stood still watching a cloud of smoke rise up above the right side of his head. He had his back to the house blissfully unaware he was being spied on.

            "If I did something like this your daddy would lose his mind." I told Grace staring down at my stomach and rubbing it. She was too little to give me a response but I was sure she'd agree with me.

            I headed over to the door and slid it open.

            Noel jumped with a gasp as he turned around at the noise. "Fuck's sake, Adds!" He exclaimed wafting the cigarette smoke away as I came to sit down beside him. "What ya doin' up? Ya should be in bed."

            "So should you." I informed him. "I woke up and you were gone so I had to come find you."

            "Well here I am. Y'can go back t'bed now." He pointed towards the door.

            "So can you." I tugged on his arm.

            But he jerked away. "I'll be in in a bit. So go on and don't wait up for me." He instructed.

            "Now you know I'm not gonna do that." I returned. "What's the matter? We both know you only come out at night for a cigarette when you can't sleep and something's on your mind. So what is it?"

            He tutted. "Addie!"

            "Oh! Come on, Noel!" I leaned into his side playfully. "What's got you up so late? It's gotta be summat."

            He looked up and stared off in front of himself in thought. "I'm gonna be outnumbered!" He grunted.

            "No, you won't!" I replied shaking my head. "You'll have Rupert."

            "That's not enough! Me and him...we're gonna have to build an army to stand up against you lot! Our Grace...she's gonna be her mother's daughter...two Addie's...d'ya know what'll happen then? The world's gonna stop turnin'!"

            I rolled my eyes. "Will you st-"

            "No, I won't!" He shook his head. "Not when I've gotta prepare me self for the chaos that's gonna ensue come the twenty-fourth of July!"

            I clicked my tongue glancing away for a second. "It's not gonna be chaotic!"

            He nodded. "Yes, it will be! Two birds in me house. Two birds who think exactly the same way in me fuckin' house...the word 'chaos' doesn't even begin to describe it!"

            "Well, you're just gonna have to get used to it!" I told him. "You've got about seven months left to prepare-"

            "Not nearly enough time!" He quipped.

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