Chapter 109

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            The morning sunlight peeked through the curtains trying to greet us with a brand new day. Its greeting was a warm and gentle kiss of golden rays that I welcomed hopefully for a fresh start from how the previous day ended.

I gazed over at Noel who was still sound asleep. He tossed and turned so much during the night that sleep didn't come to him until the wee hours. His eyelashes were crusted over and stuck together with his dried tears.

"Poor thing!" I murmured as I stroked under his right eye with my thumb.

I got out of bed and went to grab a tissue from the box in the bathroom. I tiptoed back and crawled under the covers with Noel without disturbing him at all. I gingerly placed the tissue over his eye and rubbed away the crust as best and gently as I could. I couldn't reach his left eye very well due to the position of his head on the pillows but tried my best to wipe away his sadness.

After I was finished, I leaned towards him and kissed his forehead. He sighed softly adjusting his head on his pillows but didn't wake up.

I rolled over and stretched as little as I could so I didn't disturb him. I scanned the room stretching my eyes awake as well...and that's when I noticed the piece of paper on the floor with something scribbled on it.

I crawled back out of bed and crept towards the door that led out into the main part of our hotel room. I kneeled down and picked up the paper to get a better look at what was written on it.

Ticket Girl

I rolled my eyes while I flipped it over to see what was on the other side of the page. My eyes widened a little as I looked it over.

It was a page from a coloring book featuring Dumbo flying while he clutched the Magic Feather and Timothy Q. Mouse hanging on for dear life in his hat. The whole picture was shaded in so accurately it made me wonder if it was an actual still from the film and not just a generic copy.

I held the paper in my hand as I opened the door and stepped out into the living room. Everything was quiet and I figured Liam was still in bed until something on the balcony flashed in the corner of my eye.

I turned to see the youngest Gallagher brother sat outside enjoying his morning cigarette. I trudged across the room keeping the coloring page with me as I went out to join him. "Alright?" I greeted him sitting down in the chair across from him.

He just stared at me silently for a second before turning towards the animals and blowing out a cloud of smoke.

"Thanks for this picture." I told him holding it up which made him look back over to see. "I'm quite impressed. I mean, you stayed inside the lines-"

"Fuck off!" He snapped gripping his cigarette even tighter between his fingers. He put it to his lips and sucked in a hard drag. He blew out another thick cloud of smoke while he turned back and glared at me.

He stayed silent like before the only noise coming from the tiny plastic rectangular thing he was tapping against his arm rest with his free hand.

"What's that?" I nodded at it.

He smirked a bit. "See for yourself." He replied passing it to me.

I took it from him and noticed the pin on the back of it meant for clipping it to something like a shirt. I flipped it over and read the label which notified me of where it came from and who it belonged to.

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