Chapter 127

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            The walk back from the park was much faster than the one to it – and a hell of a lot more crowded.

"Are you settin' us up?" BigUn inquired as we made our way to the front door.

"No. Why would I?" I replied.

He glared at me. "Are ya takin' the piss?"

"Are you?" I raised my eyebrows curiously.

"Ooh!" Tony and Adi snickered.

"Shut the fuck up!" BigUn barked.

I tuned them out while they started to bicker and focused on getting inside.

BigUn wasn't too interested in the front of the house since he'd already seen enough of it. But once we got inside the garage, his eyes lit up. "Where're all your cars?"

"No license." I shrugged.

All the fancy cars belonged to Noel. I was happiest in my Cavalier or my dad's Tempo. But since it wasn't worth the cost and the paperwork to ship them over, I drove one of Noel's vehicles when I didn't want Simon to haul my ass around.

Rupert jumped a bit where he lay on his sawdust when the lights came on. He got up when he realized I was back and came trotting over to me uttering that low bleat.

"Who's this little c-"

"You do anything to harm my sheep and I'll cut your throat!" I warned BigUn shoving my index finger between his eyes.

"Fuck off!" He snapped clearly not convinced I'd actually do something.

But I had to stand my ground even if I felt like a Rat Terrier against a Rottweiler or German Shephard.

BigUn backed off but not before telling Rupert not to listen to me.

"She's a fuckin' killjoy, she is!" He declared.

I rolled my eyes as I opened the door and stepped inside the house. Adi, Tony, and BigUn were right behind me now more than ever.

"So this is how the other half lives, eh?" BigUn remarked gazing around the living room.

"Guess so." I replied scanning the room in the glow of the lamp.

All the furniture was there along with all the artwork some interior decorator picked out for the place. Stuff that suited Noel back when he bought it but would never be my style.

My style was down in Buckinghamshire in the country. Far away from fancy people and fancy homes. I would've preferred a small house but there was nothing small when it came to rock and roll.

But Noel had his reasons for why the house had to be so big and it was nothing to do with being a rock star. We shouldn't have left it but there we were.

"I'm gonna go get my shit." I told Tony, Adi, and BigUn. "Wait here and don't touch anything."

"The fuck I'm stayin' down here!" BigUn snarled marching towards the stairs. "Not when I've a bone to pick with your husband!"

"No!" I cried jumping in front of him.

"Get the fuck outta my way! You fuckin' b-"

"Stop it!" Adi shouted leaping between us and acting as my shield. "She's asked ya to stay down here!"

"No, she hasn't!" BigUn shook his giant head. "She's tryin' to be the fuckin' boss like her fuckin' husband has and I'm not arsed for th-"

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