Chapter 135

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The chicks huddled together in their pen warming themselves under the heat lamp. You'd think their soft, fluffy feathers would be enough in the summer but my parents advised a heat lamp until they grew some.

They were still too small to move out to the coop so Rupert's old digs became theirs for the time being. It didn't even look like Rupert's spot anymore. We swept up all the sawdust and put the stallmats into storage in the barn.

The peeps peeped in perfect harmony although it wasn't much of a song. I didn't mind singing to them though and scooped one up in my hands while I did it.

"I'm forever blowing bubbles. Pretty bubbles in the air." I sang quietly while stroking the chick's soft plumage. "They fly so high, they reach the sky. And like my dreams they fade and die. Fortune's always hiding. I've looked everywhere. I'm forever blowing bubbles. Pretty bubbles in the air!"

"What the fuck're you playin' at?" Noel hissed from behind me.

"I'm not playin' at nothin'." I replied keeping my eyes and fingers on the peep. "I'm imprinting."

"No, you're not! You're fuckin'-"

"At least it ain't a United chant!"

"West Ham United. Fuckin' hooligans-"

"Aren't they all?"

He tutted as he sat down beside me. "These chickens here, yeah?" He pointed at the birds in the pen. "Are City chicks. And if they go off and support West Ham, it's straight into my belly with 'em!"

"Just ignore him. He's not here." I told the birds while continuing to pet the one I was holding.

He clicked his tongue again shaking his head slightly. "Can I hold one then?"

I shrugged. "I dunno. United birds might not wanna be held by a City supporter."

"Fuck off!" He extended his arms down into the pen. "C'mon! I'm not gonna hurt yous!" He cooed at the chicks as they spread out away from him. "C'mere! Come- that's it!" He scooped one up in his hands. "See? I'm not gonna hurt ya. I'm well gentle, me." He smiled at it.

The baby bird relaxed in his palms enjoying every stroke of his fingertips over its back.

"So what're we gonna call 'em?" Noel inquired holding the chick as gently as he could. "There's so many of 'em I don't even know where to start."

There were ten. A couple of a few different breeds. Some were fuzzy yellow which would turn white once they matured. Some were a splotchy black and yellow which would turn all black in adulthood – purebred Black Australorps. And the rest were speckly brown making them look like chipmunks – fitting since they were about the same size.

"We could call the rooster, Rudy." I suggested.

"Rudy?" Noel raised his eyebrows curiously.

"Yeah." I nodded. "Rudy's a perfect name for a rooster."

He agreed and then we swapped out our chicks for another pair from the pen.

"Got a lotta hens." He mused petting one. "But I suppose we need hens if we want eggs."

I smirked. "Suppose so."

"Is it weird if I erm...I had this dream last night. You were comin' in from feedin' the chickens and ya had this basket full of eggs. White and brown ones and even a few blue and green ones."

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