Chapter 139

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Bobby Willis' obituary listed everything about him Noel had already done a couple months before he passed away. How Noel knew so much about him I didn't understand but I enjoyed learning the information and was happy he was the one to fill me in.

"Addie, ya need to send Cilla and her family some flowers." He told me a few days after Bobby's death was announced. "A card or summat. Addie, ya need to send 'em our condolences."

"Okay." I replied with a slight nod.

"You need one that says, 'with deepest sympathy'. That's the kinda card ya get someone when somebody's died."

"Yeah, I kn-"

"Then why haven't ya got 'em one?" He cut me off. "We need to send 'em a card, Adds. Our condolences and th-"

"I know." I agreed. "D'ya wanna go to the store with me and help me pick one out?"

The grocery store was relatively quiet that day and not too crowded. Shoppers were scattered throughout aisles but not enough to clog up the paths to get through.

"I take it ya need groceries." Noel mused gripping the push bar on the cart.

"We do, yeah." I revealed.

He shrugged his eyebrows in acknowledgement. "Reckoned so. Didn't think you'd have me push the trolley for nowt." He grabbed my arm and linked it with his.

I smiled a bit while we continued down the aisle. "We need to start thinking about what we're gonna have for Thanksgiving. I talked to Mom about it but I still need to square everything away with who's bringin' what and-"

"They're bringin' food, ain't they? That's what ya have on Thanksgivin'. American holiday. We don't recognize it here."

"Well, you're recognizing it now. And you said I get to h-"

"I know what I said. I just wish you hadn't...what happened to us just agreein' to disagree? I reckon I prefer us doin' that. That's a deal. A much better one than-"

"You offered this deal so now there's no goin' back." I reminded him. "Plus we're no good at agreein' to disagree-"

"No time like the present to start!" He suggested.

I rolled my eyes. "What ya want for your tea tonight?"

His eyes widened in curious shock. "Ya mean I get to pick?"

"Yep. So what's it to be?"

"Chips." He informed me. "And gravy. Ya can't go wrong with chips and gravy. And cheese and-"

"Eww!" I exclaimed.

"Oi! Ya don't take the piss outta chips and gravy! Ya cook 'em up and serve 'em to your husband for his tea!"

"Okay. Well, chips are a side dish. What's my husband want for his main dish?"

"Oh, my!" He quipped placing his hand on his chest in fake shock. "So many decisions for me to make! Never in me life did I ever expect I'd get the opportunity...that my missus'd listen to me for once instead of followin' her own agenda. I don't know how to act in this situation, Adds. How on earth is one meant to respond?"

"One can quit with the sarcasm or one can starve. Don't think it's that difficult to decide given the options." I replied.

He chose cheeseburgers and I added in mac and cheese. He helped me in the kitchen following every move I made and offering assistance in anything to prepare for the meal without cooking it.

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