Chapter 101

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The band had been all over the States. From one end to the other. East Coast to West Coast. There really hadn't been any time for stopping.

            Not that they wanted to. They combatted fatigue with Charlie. Occasional energy drinks were mixed with gin and that but for the most part cocaine was the booster of choice.

            "Is everything alright?" I asked approaching Noel as he leaned against the wall in the backstage area.

            He nodded rubbing his forehead. "Oh yeah." He assured me. "Just a little dizzy is all."


            "Yeah. All these fuckin' temperature changes. Goin' from cold to hot when it's supposed to be winter. Messes with me sinuses."

            I thought as quickly as I could. "Well do you wa-"

            "It's okay, Adds." He held his hands up in more reassurance. "I'll be fine. But I think I might do better sat in a chair or summat. Don't wanna be passin' out onstage and scarin' the fans."

            I made the arrangements for the chair. It really wasn't that hard given he usually sat on a stool during his acoustic sets anyway.

            I kept to myself for the most part unless I was right beside Noel. If I talked to anyone apart from him it was usually only Marcus, Maggie, or Phil. As for the rest of the band, they kept their distance. Whether they were against me or not I couldn't tell but maintaining that space allowed them to keep peace between Liam and Noel...and, to a lesser extent, Emma.

            The gig was amazing and the audience didn't seem fazed by Noel sitting in a chair. He was there at least so that's all that mattered. He played all the songs as skillful as ever. As loud as ever. As perfect as ever and again that's all that mattered.

            The bus was quiet that night as the Oasis camp rolled on to the next city in Texas. Houston that time. I wondered if we'd cross paths with any country stars...but I suppose Alan Jackson was from Georgia.

            Noel and I lay peacefully in our bunk together. We cuddled for a while but he broke away and rolled over on his back. He started fidgeting and grunting which woke me right up...then he jumped out from under the covers.

            I watched him in the darkness as he grabbed the plastic bag at the foot of the bed. It rustled as he dumped the dirty clothes out of it...then he began to wretch.

            "Noel?" I whispered.

            He just continued to vomit making sure to empty the contents of his stomach into the bag.

            I sat up and rubbed his back until he finally stopped.

            When we arrived at the venue, he wasn't any better. I got him comfortable on the couch in the dressing room then went to tell Marcus the news.

            "What d'ya mean he's ill?!" Liam shouted from outside the dressing room as he pounded on the door.

            Noel groaned burrowing his face into my stomach in a futile attempt to escape the noise. "Make him stop, Addie! Please!" He cried.

            "Alright! That's enough!" A minder's voice ordered on the other side of the door.

            "The fuck it's enough!" Liam countered. "Not when I get the shit kicked outta me for bein' sick! I bet he's fuckin' fakin' it!"

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