Chapter 55

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The airport was quite busy at five o'clock in the morning. I had no idea why the management decided that was the best time to ship out from Cork but there we all were.

            Noel and Paul wanted a cigarette before we boarded so they went off to have one with Emma tagging along. I stayed behind at the terminal, sat between Bonehead and a sleeping Liam who snored a little while he rested his head on my shoulder.

            "We could've just chucked it all in after Knebworth, y'know." Bonehead mused more to himself than me it seemed. "Gone up into the night with all them fireworks. Quite symbolic if y'ask me."

            "You're not gonna quit, are ya, Bone?" I asked curiously. "Please tell me you're not!"

            "Of course I'm not! I'm just sayin' Knebworth was as big as it could probably get."

            "Yeah but you guys are Oasis. Bigger and better is all you can ever do!"

            He smiled a little and I couldn't help smiling back.

            Emma, Noel, and Paul came back a few minutes later with McDonald's bags and drink carriers in their hands.

            "Rise and shine, Our Kid!" I said as I nudged Liam awake.

            "Huh?" He said opening his eyes slowly.

            "We brought you breakfast!" Emma beamed shoving one of those famous paper wrapped sandwiches in his face.

            He took it from her slowly.

            "What do you say?" I asked while he examined the wrapper trying to figure out which end would be the easiest to open.

            "Is there coffee as well?" He questioned Emma looking up at her with those sleepy blue eyes.

            I tutted and shook my head.

            "Yes. There's coffee." She said grabbing a cup from the carrier Paul was holding.

            "Ta!" He said softly as he took the cup from her.

            "There ya go!" I muttered.

            "Alright. Move over!" Noel ordered Liam as he thumbed towards the empty seat beside him.

            Liam tutted quietly but obliged and Noel took the seat next to me.

            "We get a few days off now." He reminded me as we watched Emma and Paul pass out the rest of the food.

            "Yeah I know." I replied. "Whatever are we going to do?"

            Fuck all.

            At least, that's how it seemed when we first got home. I didn't mind at all though. Loch Lomond and Knebworth had taken a lot out of me and I really liked the idea of having a few days to recover.

            The next thing on Oasis' agenda was a performance at the Royal Albert Hall for MTV Unplugged. Noel was quite anxious about it but he was always anxious about gigs in general. He needed a holiday even if it was just a few days bumming around the house doing jack shit. No parties. No guests. Just pure rest and relaxation.

            We went to bed pretty early our first night back in London and it didn't take long for Noel to fall asleep. I stayed awake though enjoying the peace and quiet.

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