Chapter 21

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            Noel's hand gripped mine firmly under the blankets. I smiled as I watched him sleep. He looked so peaceful...and maybe for more reasons than just a fuckin' killer gig.

He began to stir a couple minutes later, clearing his throat and moving his head around on the pillows.

"Mornin'." He said with a smile, his voice and eyes filled with sleep.

"Morning." I replied.

He rolled over onto his side and leaned in to kiss me on the cheek. He shuddered a little after he pulled away. "It's a bit chilly in here, innit?"

"Yeah a little."

"Come closer then." He said as he pulled on me. "That's better, yeah?" He asked after his arms were wrapped around me.

I giggled in reply.


I shook my head. "You just don't come off as the cuddly type." I replied.

"Nah! I like cuddlin'. I just figured you'd want your space last night so that's why I held off."


He hummed in response.

"It's just weird." I mused.

"What's weird?" He asked curiously.

"Doing this. Laying here with you. I always thought you hated me."

"I don't hate you. I just-"

"Don't know how to deal with people?"

"Summat like that." He said quietly.

"Is that why you write songs then?" I asked.

He nodded.

I smirked a little. "So go on then."


"Tell me about how all those songs were written for me." I ordered.

"Alright." He agreed with a nod. "Track by track?"



He wrote this one apparently right after Liam and I arrived in France the previous November. He was pissed off that I'd come on board without his permission and jealous that I seemed to fit in so well with the others right off the bat.

"Roll With It"

He liked my "not giving a fuck" attitude when I just barged in not afraid of him.

"Reminded me of me." He said.


"S'pose that one kinda speaks for itself." He said flatly.

But he went on to say I had changed his life for the better...even if he didn't want to admit it to himself.

"Hey Now"

He penned this one on the tour bus one day while he watched me sitting on the couch across the aisle way from him gazing out the window at the trees and stuff we passed by. I was "just sat there" ignoring every fuckin' thing going on around me, including him. It was true. In all the many bus rides I'd taken with the band on that tour, I never remember seeing Noel sitting there watching me, as much as I hoped he would.

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