Chapter 106

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            The alarm continued to blare through the house drowning out any other noise.


Until Noel screamed.

"Fuck's sake!" He yelled again and then the alarm finally went off. "What the fuck're ya doin'?!"

I leapt out of the bathroom and ran up the hall but stopped dead in my tracks when I saw what I did.

"Alright, Tix?" He greeted me with a nod.

"How the fuck did you get in here?!" I shrieked.

He shrugged. "Gate was open, just walked i-"



"YES YOU FUCKING DID!" I screamed clenching my fists. "You climbed over it like a fucking monkey!

He shook his head. "I'm not a fuckin' monkey!" He defended.

"Yes you are!" I nodded. "You look like a monkey. You walk like a monkey. And before too long, I bet you'll start flinging your own shit!"

"Oi!" He stepped towards me. "The fuck-"

"Fuck off!" Noel barked pushing him back.

He nearly fell to the floor but caught his balance just in time. He plopped down in the arm chair while Noel and I both took a seat on the couch.

"You owe us an apology!" Noel informed him.

"For what?" He inquired as he pulled a cigarette from his pocket and put it between his lips.

"You fuckin' know what, ya prick!"

He shrugged as he took his first drag. "Youse shouldn't have pissed me off then."

Noel's eyes widened in disbelief. "You what?!"

"You lot went to Disney World without me!" Liam yelled. "Ya cut me outta everythin' you fuckin' do!"

"That's 'cuz it's nothin' to do with you!" Noel explained. "It hasn't had nothin' to do with you in over a fuckin' year!"

"That's a lie! We were still havin' our fuckin' three-way last summer! Tell him, Tixie!"

My heart skipped a beat as Liam's eyes calmly searched mine for an answer. "You're the one who's lying, Liam!" I replied trying not to let my voice shake too much. "We didn't-"

"No!" He shook his head. "I know y'can fuckin' remember! You're fuckin' lyin' when ya say you can't! Both of you are fuckin'-"

"Go home to Patsy, Our Kid, seriously!" Noel cut him off. "Ya claim ya love her so fuckin' much, imagine what she'd think if she heard you sayin' this shit now!"

Liam flattened his lips. "I wanna see the notebook!" He demanded.

Noel shook his head. "It's not yours to see! You tore your name out of it clearly showing you don't want a part of it no more!"

"Yes I do!" Liam nodded. "I definitely want a fuckin'-"

"Shut up!" I snapped wiping my eyes.

Liam's mouth fell open like he was about to say something.

But Noel beat him to it.

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