Chapter 60

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The water was warm and came up to almost my shoulders. I breathed out quietly and leaned back more against Noel.

            He sighed and rested his chin on top of my head while he stroked my stomach. "This is perfect." He mused. "Summat we should do more often. Like every day until our Michael's born."

            "Yeah." I agreed staring off in front of me.

            "Familial bonding, innit?"

            I smirked a bit puzzled and looked up at him. "You what?"

            He grinned. "Haven't you read your baby books?" He asked curiously.

            I got a couple from the library and started to skim through them. I didn't want to buy them just yet in case someone would buy them for me.

            'Such a fucking shit!' I scolded myself.

            I was married to one of the richest men in the world yet there I was hoping someone would throw me a baby shower and buy me stuff. But Emma would probably kill me if I didn't let her throw some sort of party and I figured it'd be a lovely excuse to gather all the women in the family together.

            "The books said you're supposed to watch the temperature of the water as well." I informed him.

            "Yeah." He replied with a nod. "Why d'ya think I brought this?" He picked up the thermometer off the side of the tub and held it up so I could see it.

            It was one of those glass ones with the red liquid inside. He stuck the bottom end of it in the water and held it there for a few seconds.

            "Y'see? Perfect." He brought the thermometer up so we could both see the temperature. "Not too hot but not too cold either. Just right." He set it back down on the side of the tub and squeezed me into a hug.

            I smiled as I leaned my head against his chest. Then I lifted my head and kissed his bottom jaw.

            He chuckled a little before giving me a proper kiss on the lips.

            I sighed as I leaned against his chest once more. "Just promise me something." I said softly.

            "Okay." He returned. "What's that?"

            "Just promise me that when the interviews start coming, you won't call him a 'Saturday Night Special'. Or say that he came out of a vodka bottle." I sniffed at my tears. I didn't mean to cry but thinking about what I read only made it worse.

            He moved his head and looked down at me. "Addie. Why on earth would ya-"

            "You guys try so hard to be the Beatles. I just wish you'd try harder to be Oasis!" I turned my head and sobbed into his chest.

            "C'mon, Addie. Stop it now!" He ordered as he rubbed my back. "What's gotten into ya? I know the pregnancy's bound to turn your mind to mush at times but why would you-"

            "Because he wasn't planned!" I exclaimed.

            "Well that doesn't make him any less special!" He pushed me back so I'd have to look at him properly.

            My tears began to dry as I stared into his clear, blue eyes.

            "How on earth could ya think that'd make a difference?" He asked raising his eyebrows.

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