Chapter 130

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As soon as we returned to London, Marcus wanted me and Emma back in the office. It was good to be back though. It gave me a sense of purpose even though I'm sure a lot of people thought I only got the job because I was Noel Gallagher's wife.

But still, if I wasn't good enough there was no way Marcus would've kept me on. Especially not after the number of times I fucked everything up. He could've fired me if he wanted to but he didn't. And for that I was forever grateful.

The band finally got underway with recording the actual album. They'd played around enough with demos to finally figure out what direction they were going. At least Noel did anyway. He banged on and on about taking the sound in a new direction. He wanted all kinds of instruments he'd never played before plus new amps.

Owen Morris was gone as co-producer and Mark Stent took his place. I didn't know much about him but Noel said he was a professional and they were paying him a lot of money for his services.

While the boys were in Olympic Studios getting started on the initial recordings, Emma and I were in the Ignition office helping plan the tour and any other promotional stuff that would be taking place. Like Noel said, the album was going to be out early the next year to ring in the new millennium good and proper. There would be a world tour of course which would be bigger than any they'd ever been on before. But since it was Oasis you really couldn't expect much less.

Even though it was still several months away, I knew the time would fly right by. The album would be completed and here before we even had time to wait for it. Noel wouldn't dick around and he wouldn't let the others do it either.

Marcus gave me and Emma a list of dates and venues to review. Like previous tours, it would be our job to baby-sit the boys on the road and make sure they got where they needed to be and settled when they needed to be settled. Marcus never had any trouble with that. Liam and Noel looked up to him like the father they never had. When he said it was time for bed they went. He was the one person they'd listen to without giving him any guff.

"Do you think there's gonna be any bust ups on this one?" Emma asked as we sat reading over the list.

"Hopefully not." I replied not looking up from the page I was on.

"You know it's your f-"

"I know." I glanced up at her for a second. "You don't have to keep reminding me." I turned back down to the list.

"Well, somebody needs to!" She continued. "It's always been your fault any other t-...I just don't wanna see everything get fucked up again. There's a lot of people all over the world who wanna see Oasis and I just think it'd be nice if they had one tour where people didn't have to worry if their tickets are gonna have to be refunded or something."

"I know." I nodded.

She stared across the desk at me her eyes calm and not fired up like usual. "I'm glad we're not fighting anymore."

"Me too." I agreed with a slight smile.

She smiled back just as slightly as me and then the phone rang.

The number was saved on the caller ID so there was no guessing who it was.

"Hello?" I spoke into the receiver.

"Alright, Adds!" Came the cheerful reply. "What're you up to?"

"Sorting out your tour apparently."

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