Chapter 25

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            The day had finally come...well almost finally come anyway. The album was set to be released in one day and everyone was counting down the final hours.

To ring in this highly anticipated event, the boys decided they'd do a free and private gig at the Virgin Megastore in London. Approximately three-hundred lucky fans would be invited inside at midnight to help Oasis unveil their sophomore album to a very suspecting public.

They wouldn't be helping the whole Oasis though – just a few select members. Liam and Noel were a given, of course, but then there was a matter of their accompaniment. It was going to be an acoustic gig with Liam on vocals, Noel on guitar and backup vocals (with at least one chance for a solo vocal performance), and Alan on drums. Guigsy was still out of commission with no word on when he'd return. There was still no need for Scott or Bonehead though. An acoustic set doesn't need two fucking guitars and sure as hell doesn't need a fucking bass.

Bet you can't guess whose philosophy that last statement was.

Regardless, Bonehead and Scott weren't too bothered and decided to spend their last bit of free time with their respective women and families. The bus was scheduled to leave for Blackpool only hours after the launch party to begin a week-long tour in England before jetting off Stateside.

No stop in Cleveland this time around. Pittsburgh though. And David Letterman.

The boys were so excited about the evening they started partying as soon as they woke up on October first. Not that that was unusual or anything.

I stayed away from it all. Somebody had to. And technically I was still part of the management/baby-sitting crew. I didn't mind it though. I liked having a clear head. Liam and Noel got decidedly Freudian when they were on the goodtime, both believing it helped them focus on stage. The paranoia usually didn't come until the after parties when they were just trying to stay awake and keep going.

They were used to hangovers.

"We're Irish for fuck's sake!"

And they were good at just sleeping off whatever chemicals they pumped into their systems. Afterwards came the requests for bacon sandwiches and tea...and on the rare occasion, whining for their mother's cakes.

People crowded in as close as they were allowed up to the stage inside the store. There was still time to wait before three lovely lads graced them with their presence.

I hung with said lads in some back room of the store that was functioning as their dressing room. Each of them had emptied at least two of the provided green bottles and sent at least one little baggy of a certain white powder up their nose.

"Can't remember the words now." Liam said with a slight grin. "I'm off me tits!"

It was hard to tell if he was joking or not. Even when he could remember the words, he'd still fuck them up on purpose sometimes just to piss Noel off.

He was making me nervous. I have no idea why though. I'd seen him drunk and high so many times I lost count.

Still, some part of me felt this need to worry about him.

"Well ya better fuckin' remember 'em, ya cunt!" Noel barked. "You'll not fuck up this gig, d'ya hear me?"

"Alright!" Liam yelled back. "Just keep your fuckin' shirt on!"

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