Chapter 104

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            The hot steam enveloped the entire bathroom making the air thick and hard to breathe. I reached up and wiped off the mirror but it quickly fogged right back up as water kept cascading out of the showerhead.

"In the town where I was born." Noel sang from behind the shower curtain through splashes of water. "Lived a man who sailed to sea."

I rolled my eyes. "Noel-"

"And he told us of his life in the land of submarines."


"So we sailed up to the sun, 'til we found a sea of green. And we lived beneath the waves, in our yellow submarine."


We all live in a yellow submarine

Yellow submarine, yellow submarine

We all live in a yellow submarine

Yellow submarine, yellow submarine

"Hurry up and get done so I can get a shower!" I ordered finally halting his singing.

"Oh no! Not a fuckin' chance!" He argued keeping himself hidden behind the shower curtain. "You chose not to have a wash with me so now I'm gonna use all the hot water just to spite you...and I ain't gonna stop singin' either."

I smirked. "Well at least I like the Beatles."

"I can sing summat ya don't like!" Then he proceeded to belt out the lyrics to "This Charming Man".

I giggled a little as I turned back to the mirror and wiped off the remnants of the previous day's mascara from under my eyes. I got most of it off with makeup remover the night before but there was always a little bit that would make me look like a raccoon if I didn't deal with it.

Noel kept splashing and singing for a little while longer. Then his noise turned to splashing and humming before being interrupted by a crash. "Shit!" He exclaimed. "Oh well!"

I stopped what I was doing then went over by the shower. I leaned against the wall crossing my arms. "Pick it up, Noel." I instructed.

"Why should I?" He questioned. "I don't even like bar soap! I prefer me shower gel."

"Then why are you in there messing with the bar soap?"

"'Cuz it's in here! All these little bottles and that. They want us to use 'em!"

"But you're not using 'em." I pointed out. "You brought your own shower gel and stuff so now you're in there playing with them little bottles and that."

"I'm not playin' with nothin'!" He defended. "I'm tryin' to figure out how to wash me back since you're not in here to do it for me!"

"Well I'm sure-"

"Don't give me that fuckin' rubbish! We never shower on our jacks so this is just un-fuckin' natural! It's not right! And because of that, I'm not gettin' out so you'll just have to go without a wash. Sorry about your luck, Adds!"

I rolled my eyes then stepped away from the wall. I went down to the other end of the shower and stood listening to the water and Noel's mouth continue to run. He was at his muttering stage, rambling on about something I couldn't make out while he splashed the water around.

I stood still for about a minute before finally taking my clothes off. I opened the shower curtain just enough then quickly stepped inside.

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