Chapter 44

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After the boys were all rested up, we went out again. This time to Crocker Park because they'd never been to the Cheesecake Factory.

            Liam finished off two pieces of cheesecake while the other two each had one. It was all Emma and I could do to eat half of one so we split a piece and enjoyed the richness.

            The following day, we took a trip to the East Side so we could go shopping at the Beachwood Mall. Out of the three brothers, Liam seemed to be the one who enjoyed it the most which gave Noel the perfect opportunity to take the piss. Surprisingly, no fights arose from it and it ended up being a lovely day out.

            But vacations always ended so quickly when we were with the Brothers Gallagher and in the middle of one of the biggest tours to date...we were lucky if we got one day off from being inside a venue and going to a gig.

            That morning finally came and we loaded up the rental car to head to Hopkins International Airport. The west coast was calling our names...well some of our names anyway.

            They put Liam in one of the first rows in business class by himself. Nervousness flashed in his eyes as he took his seat and I figured he probably didn't like being the odd man out.

            Behind him sat Emma and Paul. And then me and Noel in the row after them. It was a direct flight straight over the border into Vancouver. I was kind of excited to get there. As much as I loved the break from touring, it was nice to pick it back up again.

            "Wake me when we get there." Noel sighed as he rested his head on my shoulder.

            "Okay." I agreed. "But they say you shouldn't sleep on a flight with time changes 'cuz you'll never be able to adjust. You'll be jet lagged the whole-"

            "I've been jet lagged since about 1989, love. So you needn't worry about me gettin' adjusted."

            I smiled thoughtfully. "You still haven't shown me an Inspiral Carpets' song that's worth listening to y'know."

            "Yes I have." He defended with his eyes closed. "You just keep slaggin' 'em off 'cuz ya don't know what good music is. Y'can only play the ignorant American card for so long, Adds. And I reckon you've got all your holes punched."

            I giggled. "I'll remember that the next time someone asks me who Oasis is." I told him. I waved my hands around a bit. "Oh ya know. They wrote that 'Wonderwall' song which is-"

            "Fuckin' brilliant. Especially considerin' the inspiration, eh?" He reached up and tapped me on the nose with his finger.

            I smirked as I pushed his hand away.

            He fell asleep shortly after that and apparently I did too. I only realized it when I opened my eyes to the sound of someone talking.

            "Are we allowed to get up now?" Liam asked someone.

            I peeked over the back of Paul's seat and saw the flight attendant by Liam's row in the aisle way.

            "Yes." She replied.

            "Thank fuck!" He sprung up and raced down the aisle way nearly knocking her down in the process.

            I clicked my tongue as I watched him go before something to my left caught my eye. I turned to see Emma staring at me after having switched her gaze from Liam.

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