Chapter 120

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            It didn't take long to gather our belongings. Our Christmas presents could be packed easily amongst all our clothes and things so there was no need to mail them back home.

After everything was ready to go, the only thing we had left to do was say our goodbyes.

"Aren't you going to say goodbye to your sister?" Dad asked me.

"Yeah." I replied holding my breath a little.

I headed upstairs with Noel right behind me. I slowed my pace as I approached Emma's bedroom door until I was finally stood right in front of it. I took a deep breath then knocked on it.


I sighed. "Bye."

Still silence.


"Say goodbye to 'er!" Paul hissed from behind the closed door.

"Get fucked!" Emma snapped.

I rolled my eyes shaking my head.

"C'mon, Adds. We've gotta go." Noel told me thumbing back down the stairs.

Everything was quiet save for the low rumble of the engine propelling us through the air. Noel and I were sat in another one of those boxes surrounded by mountains of pillows and blankets he requested for our journey home.

My head pounded at all the memories of the previous few days. It always seemed like there was a slump after Christmas was over but this slump had nothing to do with the holiday and was far from ending. I couldn't even remember when it began.

I wiped a tear from my eye as I tried working it out until I couldn't take it any longer. I lay down, rolled over on my left side, and curled up clutching my stomach under one of the blankets.

"Adds?" Noel murmured crawling over beside me. "Adds?"

But I didn't respond and just pretended like I couldn't hear him.

"Addie, ya need to eat summat."

"I'm not hungry." I returned.

"Well, you should still try to eat summat."

"If I try to eat summat I'll puke."

"I know but you should still try. You've got our Grace to think about." He gently placed his hand on my shoulder.

"And you think I don't think about her?" I jerked away.

He shook his head. "No, I don't think that but-"

"Please leave me alone." I ordered sniffling at my fast forming tears as I curled up even more.

"Why don't we write somethin' to our Grace then?" He suggested. "A Christmas card or summat."

"Christmas is over."

"So? We can still write her one."

A small smile spread across my cheeks.

He chuckled softly. "So what ya reckon?"

I sat up beside him keeping the blanket over my lap. "I reckon I'm hungry."

"Oh, y'are?" He raised his eyebrows sarcastically. "Imagine that! What ya want? I'll put your order in." He passed me a menu he had tucked away beside him.

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