Chapter 97

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            The gigs at GMEX had finally arrived. We were back up north to watch the boys give their hometown two of the most memorable nights they possibly could after what felt like too long of a wait.

As promised about a year prior, Callum and his mates showed up for their well-deserved bet repayment. It seemed like there were more kids now than there were that afternoon on the football pitch but I was happy to see them back and so was Liam and Noel.

"Who are they?" Emma inquired crossing her arms and staring at the lot of them.

"Kids off the estate." I informed her. "Liam and Noel lost a bet to 'em so-"

"How could they lose a bet to anyone?"

"By being shit at football."

She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

I glanced away from her for a second and my eyes met with Callum's.

He grinned as he walked towards me. "Alright, Addie?" He greeted me.

I smiled back. "Alright." I replied. "Yins got your tickets?"

"Yeah." He nodded holding his up. "So where d'we-"

"You'll have to go down the pit." Emma cut in. "There's not enough room at the sides for all of you plus someone has to keep an eye on you so your hooliganism doesn't fu-"

"Oi!" He exclaimed. "I'm not a hooligan! So you better watch your-"

"Don't even fucking start with me you little shit!" She wagged her finger in his face. "Someone may have brought your ass in here but fuck knows I can take it right back out! So you either listen to me or fuck off back home!"

I shook my head. "Come on, Em! It's Christmas!" I reminded her.

"Not for another two weeks!" She countered. "And if we've gotta freaking baby-sit, let's go!" She pointed towards doorway to take the group out to the VIP pit.

I ushered the kids out to follow behind her with me right behind them.

"Where ya goin'?" Noel called stopping me dead in my tracks.

I turned around slowly to face him. "To baby-sit." I replied pointing in the direction of the kids.

He shook his head. "No. Someone else can do that. You're place is at the side of the stage."

"I know." I nodded. "But one night's not gonna-"

"Yes it is!" He countered. "You're my good luck charm, you are. I can't walk out there without gettin' a kiss from you first." He pointed at the stage.

"Well kiss me now then." I suggested.

"Nope. Not gonna work." He shook his head again. "Has to be just before I go out otherwise it's pointless."

I rolled my eyes. "You're being difficult."

"No I'm not!" He screamed. "I'm tryin' to give these people a show they'll never forget and you're tryin' to get in the way of that!"

"Oh I am not!" I defended.

"Yes y'are! Your place is-"

"Noel. I was put in charge of baby-sitting Callum and them. You know th-"

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