Chapter 39

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            "C'mon." Noel instructed as he took my hand. "Let's go out."

We were in St. Louis and had a bit of time off before heading to the next city. Cleveland was just a few days away. I couldn't believe how fast time had flown.

Noel and I went to some mall and spent the afternoon window shopping. It was a bit cold but nice to be somewhere else besides a hotel, concert venue, or tour bus.

He held my hand as we strolled along and offered to carry the bags if we decided to buy anything.

"Here." I said as I held up a light blue, long sleeve button down I found on a rack. "Try this on."

"Only if you'll go in the dressing room with me." He replied.

I followed him inside and helped him take his coat off. He had one of his collared short sleeves on underneath. I grabbed the bottom edge of it and lifted it over his head. I tossed it on the floor and grabbed the long sleeve off its hanger.

"I'm sorry I've been a dick, Adds." He said as I started buttoning up the shirt. "Honestly. I-"

"I know." I cut him off as I made my way up his chest. "But that doesn't mean you're off the hook."

"Well what do I have to do to get off it then?"

"I told you. You have to wait for Cleveland."

He rolled his eyes. "What's so fuckin' special about Cleveland anyway?" He asked. "It seems a shit hole to me!"

I sighed as I finished buttoning the shirt cuffs.

"I didn't mean it like that-"

"Then how did you mean it?" I asked looking at him curiously. "I'm keeping that flat, Noel. And I'm staying there when we get to-"

"I know." He replied softly. "I just. Please let me stay there with you!"

I shrugged my eyebrows. "Behave yourself and we'll see." I pushed his shoulder so he'd turn around to look at himself in the mirror. "What ya reckon?" I nodded at his shirt.

"I dunno." He shook his head. "Do you like it?"

"I love it!" I cheered. It fit him well and went along with that supposed "working class look" he and the rest of the band still kept up with even with all their fame and fortune.

He smiled. "Should probably buy it then, eh?"

He made his purchase, swiping that black American Express card at the register, then we got on our way. He squeezed my right hand tight with his left as he carted the shopping bag in his right.

The sun was shining when I woke up one morning. I got up just in time to see the "Welcome to Ohio" sign hanging above the highway as the bus drove under it. The bus was quiet as most everyone was still asleep. I headed to the front area and found the one passenger who wasn't.

"Morning." I said as I sat down beside him on the couch.

"Mornin'." He replied glancing at me for a second before turning to stare back out through the window.

He stayed quiet for a second until his stomach growled. He put his hands over it and winced a little as he looked down at it.

"Hungry?" I asked curiously.

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