Chapter 51

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Parties seemed to never end at Supernova Heights. And even when they did, it was pretty much guaranteed there'd be another one to follow the next day.

            Emma and Paul came over in the afternoon just before one started. The calm before the storm I reasoned.

            But it was all in good fun I suppose and our time in London was slowly winding down as August quickly approached.

            The three of us sat in the living room while Noel was still upstairs. We chatted for a while until he finally came to join us.

            "Is that what you're wearin'?" He asked nodding at me.

            "Yeah." I replied. "Why?"

            "Thought you were wearin' that other shirt?"

            "Well I was going to but then I changed my mind." I ended up going with a powder blue, loose fitting tank top and dark jeans.

            "You got a problem with how she's dressed?" Emma chimed in.

            "No." He shook his head. "I-"

            "Then what's your malfunction?"

            He tutted and took off out the room.

            The party was in full swing a few hours later. I couldn't even begin to list everyone in attendance. The rest of the band of course. And I know I saw Kate Moss floating around. Pretty much anyone who was famous in England was there even if they were just passing through.

            Noel stayed by my side for most of the evening. While he talked to whoever about the upcoming gigs and that sort of stuff, I stood quietly admiring his outfit. The powder blue color of his shirt reflected beautifully in his eyes...and it made me feel more in sync with him than ever before.

            We parted a while later, with him disappearing into his music room or somewhere with some other people on the hunt for some "good shit".

            I rolled my eyes as I watched him go. There was no way in hell I was chasing after him and no way I was interested in tagging along to see.

            I walked through the first level of the house trying to find Emma. I found Paul but she was nowhere in sight. The only place else I could think to check was upstairs.

            And there she was...with Liam and Patsy.

            "No. You're not using this bathroom!" She snapped at Liam pushing him back from in front of the guest bedroom door. "You can use the one downstairs."

            "No I can't!" He slurred. "I'll get the clap from that one! That's how ya get it, right? Off the fuckin'...this toilet here, yeah?" He pointed at the closed door. "Is mine! And you'll give us the fuckin' key to open the fuckin'-"

            "Is everything okay?" I asked approaching them slowly.

            "No." Liam shook his head at me. "Emma won't let me use the toilet!"

            "Well, why can't you just use the one downstairs?"

            "You what?"

            Patsy rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "Why do you two have to make such a big deal about this?" She asked me and Emma. "Just let him use the bathroom!"

            Emma looked at her like she was about to say something.

            "She's right, Em." I prevented her from doing so. "Plus he's not gonna quit bugging you until you do."

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