Chapter 18

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            Liam and Noel kissed and made up a couple weeks later. They finished whatever needed done in Wales before transferring to London for the rest of it. Noel's house was big enough for everyone to stay as well as be the hub for all the partying. I was nervous about everything – staying at Noel's, dealing with the parties. But somehow I knew everything would be okay.

"You go on inside." Liam said when our taxi pulled up to the front gate. "I've gotta go off for a bit but I'll be back later."

"Okay." I replied.

He walked me to the door and kissed me goodbye but waited to leave until Noel answered the door.

"Back in a bit." He said to his brother. "Be nice to 'er."

"No promises." Noel said flatly as he shook his head.

Liam pushed his bottom lip out at him with his tongue causing Noel to chuckle. I couldn't believe how good of a mood he was in, but I would take it for all it was worth.

"So this is the famous Supernova Heights." I mused as I looked around the entryway.

"Yep. This is it." Noel replied.

"How'd you come up with the name?"

"You don't know?"

"No I don't." I replied.

"Didn't ya read them lyrics I sent ya?" He asked.

"Yeah. What was that about? Liam and I figured it was just one of your many ways to take the piss."

"What's Liam got to do with it?"

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "Well they're lyrics from the new album which he's singing most of."

"Ah, you're right!" He said with raised eyebrows. "He's not singing it all. Not anymore."

I nodded in thought. "So it was just another piss take." I said.

"Who said that?"

I shook my head as I tried to figure out what he was saying. It was like he was speaking in riddles or something.

"You wanna see the house?" He asked.


The house was huge and exactly what I expected it to look like with a British rock star as its owner.

"Is that the Who's logo?" I asked as I stared at the bathtub. It was a big circular one – as big as a hot tub – with dark blue, red, and white tile.

"Technically yes but it's actually the mod symbol." He replied.

"Right 'cuz you're such a mod."

Liam could pull it off. Noel...I don't know. I really didn't see a style with him.

I loved his fish tank. It was nice to see since no one else had any pets. It was a saltwater one and it covered the whole wall.

He saved his bedroom for last. Why I have no idea. We had to pass through it to see the mod bathroom earlier but yet there were again for our final stop.

"Ooh!" I exclaimed as I grabbed a certain something off his nightstand. He tried to stop me but I was too quick. "Let me guess: your mom got you these as a housewarming present."

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