Chapter 85

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            "C'mon!" Noel instructed pulling me up off the couch. "I've got summat to show ya."

He told me to pack a bag then we loaded up in the car and got on our way. He wouldn't tell me where we were going but at least let me look out the windows while drove along.

It was nothing but lovely green and farm country after we were out of the London city limits. Pastures full of sheep and cattle, and occasionally a few horses, flanked the car on both sides.

A little over an hour after leaving London, we ended up on some back country road after having just passed through a small town. It reminded me of home – the middle of nowhere with neighbors at least a half a mile down the road from each other.

Simon pulled into a driveway with a big black gate stopping us at the entrance. He reached out the window and entered a code on the keypad on one of the gate's stone columns. The gates swung open and he proceeded to drive back in the lane.

It reminded me of the set for the music video for "Don't Look Back in Anger". Emma and I actually had starring roles in it. Okay, maybe not starring since the camera managed to avoid us in every shot but we, along with all those other girls in white dresses (one of whom Whitey managed to pull), were definitely there frolicking around the estate with the boys in the band.

I gazed out the window at all the trees lining the driveway as Simon continued on. There were so many – Oak, Pine, Maple. I tipped my head back so I could see their very green and very high tops.

I'll buy you tall, tall trees

And all the waters in the seas

I'm a fool, fool, fool for you

The car kept going down the drive for at least a mile until it finally stopped in front of a giant house. But of course it wasn't a house.

It was a mansion.

I sat there staring at it until I heard the driver's door open and Simon hopped out of the car. "Oh. Are we supposed to get out now?" I asked Noel.

He nodded. "Yeah but-"

"I can open my own door, thanks!" I waved Simon back as I opened the door. I got out and shut it then turned to him. "I appreciate the offer, Si, but I'm quite capable of getting myself outta the car. I mean, I've been doing it since I was out of a car seat so-"

"C'mon, Adds! Don't start!" Noel exclaimed. "He gets paid to open the door!"

"Yes, Mrs. Gallagher. Don't worry." Simon instructed nodding at me. "It's no trouble at-"

"My name's Addie, darling. I told you I don't do all that formal stuff." I told him.

He nodded. "I'm sorry, madam. It's just a habit. But you needn't fret. Mr. Gallagher pays me well to-"

"See. When you call him that it just makes him sound old." I looked over at Noel. "But he did just turn thirty so I guess that is old depending who you ask."

Noel curled his lips at me. "Addie-"

"He's a nice old man, inne?" I said raising my eyebrows at him.

He tutted and shook his head.

"Whose house is this?" I inquired pointing at it.

"Ours." Noel replied quickly. "Happy Birthday to me, eh?"

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "Wh-"

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