Chapter 71

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            Noel stood there with his arms crossed piercing through me with those icy, cold eyes. I tried my best to ignore it as I continued packing clothes into my suitcase.

"Can't believe you're doin' this." He muttered.

I rolled my eyes. "Everyone's coming in for Thanksgiving." I reminded him. "You know th-"

"She's still a fuckin' shit!"

"She apologized!" I turned around to face him.

"No she didn't!" He replied shaking his head. "She might've apologized to you but she sure as hell didn't-" He stopped himself and looked away for a second. Then his head spun right back towards me. "Your place is here! That's what you signed up for. That's what Marcus pays ya to-"

"I'm on holiday to entertain my family." I said firmly. "And yours."

He rolled his eyes. "And who the fuck's payin' for all that, eh?" He raised his eyebrows. "Don't think-"

"Whatever!" I threw my hands up and turned back to packing my bag.

He disappeared into the bathroom and all I could hear was him fumbling about inside.

"Thanksgiving's on Thursday!" I reminded him as I folded one of my shirts before throwing it in my suitcase. "We're eating at two so-" I stopped myself when I heard him sniff quite loudly.

I sighed shaking my head and went to investigate.

He stood there wiping his nose while he leaned against the front of the sink. Any traces of substances were either up his nose or camouflaged by the white porcelain.

I rolled my eyes as I stood in the doorway. "Did you hear a word I just said?" I inquired.

"Yeah." He nodded. "You're goin' to London with your bitch of a sister-"

"Wow!" I shook my head again.

"She accuses me of murderin' me own son and you're stood there defendin'-" He stopped at the knock on the door and we both turned to look at it.

"You about ready?" Emma asked after she opened the door.

"Yeah." I told her.

She nodded then closed the door again.

"This ain't over!" Noel informed me as I grabbed my bag.

"Well it needs to be!" I argued. "I can't be arsed to hold grudges or sulk about like you!"

"I'm not sulkin'!" He pointed at himself. "But what she said was downright cold and you've just forgiven her like it doesn't even fuckin' matter!"

I shook my head. "That's not-"

"Oh bull shit, Addie!" He yelled. "Our Michael's dead and you just-"

"Noel. You have gotta stop!" I cut him off. "Bringing him up like this isn't-"

"You're right." He replied with a sarcastic nod. "It ain't gonna bring him back. But it shows how quick you are to fuckin' forget-"

"Enough!" I felt tears starting to well. "Dinner's on Thursday and I've got a lotta shit to do to get ready for it."

He shrugged his eyebrows at me. "God's speed!"

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