Chapter 34

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            Mom already had the Christmas tree up when the four of us arrived but left it bare. It was that bright dark green color and smelled very much alive. We always got real Christmas trees and that year was no exception. Its branches fanned out in a pretty symmetrical pyramid shape and covered most of the front living room wall.

The box containing the ornaments, garland, and lights sat out waiting for us. Our family had stocked up with decorations over the years from ornaments Emma and I made when we were kids to the ones we received as gifts, marking things like our first Christmases and stuff.

Mom left it to me and Emma to do the decorating while she sat around with the boys watching us get it done. Noel brought out his acoustic guitar and quietly strummed an unfamiliar tune. I couldn't help wondering if it was something new.

Goodness knows it didn't sound like a Christmas song.

Paul was quite chatty with Mom. It reminded me of Liam except it didn't seem like he was just running his mouth. I think a lot of the time Liam just talked to hear himself talk. He always had to get the last word in.

But Paul and Noel were way different than him. Sure they could be talkers. And they were quite opinionated. But they could be pretty shy at times and even awkward when they were out of their element.

Liam could be shy too but I think he was better than them at putting up a good front.

Paul fit right in though and I could tell Mom liked him. He hadn't met Dad yet though but I was sure they'd get along with each other just fine.

"So how long are you guys staying?" Mom asked directing her question at me and Emma.

"Through Christmas." I replied. "Then Noel and I are off to Paris for New Year's. Don't know about Paul and Emma though. What are you guys gonna do?"

"We're spending New Year's in Manchester." Emma replied as she hung one of the round ornaments. "Paul's friend is having a party-"

"Which friend?" Noel interrupted asking his brother.

"Mark." Paul replied.

Noel looked at him curiously. "Who's Mark?"

"He went to school with us."

Noel shook his head. "We didn't go t'school with a Mark."

"Yes we did." Paul sighed. "But it don't surprise me ya don't remember. A bit too small for your guest list, eh?"

"You what?!" Noel snapped stepping up from the couch.

Just then the phone rang making me sigh in relief that crisis had hopefully been avoided.

"Hello?" Mom said into the receiver. "Yeah. Hang on a second. Paul? It's for you." She passed him the phone.

"Hello?" He spoke into it. He rolled his eyes. "Yeah well I'm not sure what to tell you. It's not very polite of you to run up their phone bill like this. Well I understand ya can pay for it but that's not the point. No. I'm not gonna do that. You know why. I'm hangin' up now. Bye!"

"Who was that?" Emma asked curiously.

"I reckon I've a pretty good guess." Noel muttered.

Paul's eyes were easy to read. I kept my mouth shut as it was obvious he was trying to protect our holiday. He was always the monkey in the middle.

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