Chapter 102

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The backstage area was packed with people milling about prepping everything for the show. I couldn't believe I was there but Patsy talked me into it and I really couldn't tell her no.

            I felt like a fish out of water surrounded by all the models. All the pretty, tall models with perfect tits and teeth and hair. The ones who made a living doing this sort of thing.

            "Oh! Come off it, Addie!" Patsy jibed. "It's for charity and you'll be brilliant!"

            Someone's humanitarian effort to raise money and Patsy told them I'd be perfect to join in.

            The people in charge put me next to her at the makeup tables. We each sat in front of a mirror with pictures of our respective husbands propped up against it. The perfect chance for a photo opportunity as we gazed at our men while the stylists did our hair and makeup.

            I sat quietly staring at Noel frozen in time while strumming his Union Jack. His khaki trousers looked comfortable and loose and his long sleeved shirt was unbuttoned just enough to expose a bit of his chest hair. I pictured the gig and could remember it vividly as the stylist brushed out and straightened my hair.

            "Excuse me but you can't be back here!" Someone spoke behind me.

            "That's not what the bloke at the door said!" A familiar voice replied making me gasp quietly to myself.

            I turned around and couldn't believe my eyes. "What the heck are you two doing back here?" I inquired.

            Noel smirked at me. "You'd be amazed at how easy it is for us to talk our way into places we ain't supposed to be." He informed me.

            I giggled a little as I rolled my eyes. "So what you want?"

            "Well, I was wonderin' if I could get a little sneak preview of your outfits and that. I mean, I am your husband after all. Surely that entitles me to get a chance to see your-"

            "No." I shook my head. "It's meant to be a surprise."

            "I can act surprised, yeah?"

            I sighed. "Noel-"

            "Oh c'mon, Adds!" He whined. "I promise I'll act surprised when ya-" He stopped when he noticed I glanced away. "What's the matter? Adds? What's the-"

            But I tuned him out and kept staring.

            Liam and Patsy were all over each other goofing around like a pair of love struck teenagers...but that wasn't why I was upset.

            "Come on!" I grabbed Noel's hand and led him out of the room. I stopped us when we found an empty hallway.

            "Addie, what's the matter?" Noel asked resting his hands on my shoulders.

            I looked up at him searching his worried blue eyes for comfort. "I'm nervous." I confessed.

            He raised his eyebrows curiously. "About what?"

            "This!" I pointed in the direction of the backstage area. "All this...I'm not a model. I'm not meant to be a part of this-"

            "What're ya on about? Of course y'are!" He assured me. "You're just as qualified to be here as any of them other birds."

            I smiled a little. "You really think so?"

            He smiled even bigger. "I know so. And since I'm always right, you've no reason to worry!"

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