Chapter 96

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The quiet knocking on the bedroom door jostled me with a gasp. I was already awake laying there listening to Noel snore. I couldn't really watch him as he had his face buried in the crook of my neck like usual but I still enjoyed it anyway. He felt so warm and I was so cold.

            Just then, the door swung open just enough to let Peggy stick her head in.

            "Good mornin', dear." She whispered with a smile.

            I smiled. "Morning." I replied.

            Noel grunted a little as he burrowed his face even deeper in the side of my neck and stretched his arm further across my chest.

            "Could use a bit of help in the kitchen." Peggy continued.

            "Sure thing." I gave her a thumb's up. "Be down in a sec."

            She nodded before closing the door again.

            I turned my focus back to Noel who was still sound asleep. "You can sleep through anything, you can." I told him as I stroked up and down his right arm.

            His reply was just a bit louder snoring.

            I lay there for a bit longer enjoying the peace. It was surprisingly comfortable despite him laying there with practically the whole right side of his body pressing down on me. I stayed still for another couple minutes before I finally decided to get up.

            "Fuck's sake!" Noel groaned curling himself up a bit when I moved. "Ya knew it were there, Addie!"

            "I'm sorry!" I quickly apologized.

            He clutched himself tighter in pain. "Ya knocked the fuckin' wind outta me!"

            "Oh! You're alright!" I sat up and got out of bed.

            I found Peggy downstairs with various things cooking and frying on the stove. The kettle was boiling and the eggs and sausage were sizzling in the pan. "What would you like me to do?" I asked her.

            But she really didn't need to give me an answer. I took it upon myself to start some hash browns as well as get the bread in the toaster.

            I had a couple slices of toast buttered when the kettle finally began to hiss. "I'll get it!" I ran over and grabbed Noel's cup before Peggy could. I needed the practice and didn't want her to do more than she already had.

            "Milk in last." She reminded me as she stood beside me at the counter.

            It was easy enough to remember know. I'd done it wrong enough times and had a right telling off with each instance that I knew better than to forget. But at least with Peggy there was never a telling off. Just gentle reminders of how to make a brew properly.

            The food still had a bit yet so I decided to take Noel his tea before it got cold. I grabbed the cup and trotted off upstairs.

            Noel lay sound asleep breathing heavily in an almost snore. He had the blankets all wrapped up around him and his hair was a perfect yet bed kempt mess.

            I tiptoed over beside the bed and gently shook his shoulder.

            "Hm?" He grunted awake. He flashed me a sleepy smile when his eyes adjusted. "Oh, aye! Good mornin'!"

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