Chapter 48

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            "Is that everything then?" I asked Emma as we stood watching them take a few more boxes out the front door.

"Yep." She replied.

I nodded and stood still for a couple more seconds then lurched forward locking her into a hug.

"We're just moving across town!" She held her hands lightly on my back.

"Noel?" I called up the stairs.

He stopped his guitar strumming right then and there. "Addie?" He called back.

I smirked at the slight bit of sarcasm in his voice. "I'm going with Emma and Paul for a bit to help them get settled in."

The boxes were in their assigned rooms when we got there with most of the furniture too. She and Paul had gone out a while back to pick out the different room sets. She had some money to burn and didn't mind going a bit out with purchasing new furniture.

Their flat was quite modest compared to Supernova Heights but big enough to host people when they wanted to. But of course with four bedrooms and four and a half bathrooms, maybe it wasn't as modest as some people might think. They wanted to make sure they had room for people to stay over and when Peggy came in from Manchester...and I suppose there were are parents to think about as well.

"This is your room." Emma informed me as she led me through the door.

The walls were a lovely lavender color and when the sun hit them they became even brighter. There was a dark purple rug beside the bed that offset the walls and the bedspread had various purple paisley shapes against white.

There were a few framed posters of bands she and Paul knew I liked. The Beatles, the Rolling Stones, and of course, Oasis. It was one of their early ones with Noel in the center. I was honestly surprised they'd pick it given Tony was in it as well.

I imagine most of the decorating was left to my sister though and she probably picked the poster just to spite with Noel. Not that she didn't get on with Alan but I filled her in on what went down before he arrived.

But it was my room she said and I happened to like that picture. The colors were epic. Bonehead still had hair. And that was really all I had to think about it.

"Liam's claimed this one." Emma said when she took me into the next room.

It really didn't surprise me. It looked almost identical to his and Noel's room at Peggy's give or take the layout.

The walls were a bright sky blue with white trim. Perfectly City which apparently was Paul's request. He and Emma had agreed on the color schemes for all the rooms but he told her they had to have at least one of the bedrooms be inspired by his team.

The walls were adorned with more posters mostly related to anything Man City. The current game schedule. Commemorative shots of a few of their famous players.

Topped off with a few posters of the Stone Roses, the Beatles, and John Lennon, it was clear Liam had a say in the decorating too. Or at least, they thought enough of him to put up some specific things he liked. The only difference between those posters and the ones in Manchester was someone had gotten them framed. And hung them up with nails rather than thumb tacks or scotch tape.

I kept scanning around the room while she headed for the closet.

"What the hell is this?!" She exclaimed staring at the pile of clothes on the floor inside it.

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