Chapter 20

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The week after Glastonbury flew by and the band was back on the road, jumping right into a new tour. The album wasn't even going to be released until October but they wanted to promote it right fucking now.

            Europe was the first leg where the boys would make appearances at a few different festivals. One in particular was held in France.

            "Tie this for us, please." Liam said as he held the corners of a Union Jack flag up to hand them to me. He had it draped around him like a cape.

            "English pride, huh?" I said as I tied the corners in a knot around his neck.

            "You're fuckin' right it is!" He replied with that dopey looking nod of his as he held his right hand in the air. "Hoo rah, Dear Old Blighty, yeah?"

            I smiled as I finished the knot.

            He looked absolutely delicious on stage that night. With his shaggy hair and red tinted sunglasses, he resembled John Lennon. I used to never think he looked like him but that night changed my tune...for more reasons than just the gig.

            I stood there at the side of the stage keeping my eyes on him. Occasionally, I'd glance over at Noel but Liam demanded my attention whether he knew it or not. I drowned out everything around me until I heard someone speak.

            "Alright, Addie?"

            I turned to my left. "Hi Patsy." I replied. "What are you doing here?"

            "Liam invited me. My taxi was a little late picking me up at the airport but I'm here now."

            "Oh. Great." I said trying not to show any sarcasm in my voice. I don't know why I was getting pissed about it. I mean, she'd been to Supernova Heights numerous times for parties and stuff so it's not like she was a complete stranger. But to hear Liam invited her...I don't know. It just stung a bit for some reason.

            She stood there tapping her foot and swaying along to the music. She looked as perfect as Meg with her big tits and blonde hair. But I couldn't let that become the focus of my night. I was there to enjoy Oasis. Liam. Nothing else around me was supposed to matter.

            "Hi Liam!" Patsy beamed when they came off the stage after their set was over.

            "Alright." He said softly before heading straight to me. "C'mon, Tixie! It's time to celebrate, yeah?"

            He held my hand as he led me to the after party. We stuck together like glue for quite a while before he finally said he was off and disappeared. I wanted to ask where he was going but held my tongue. I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach but tried not to let it bring me down.

            The party continued until I finally had enough and was ready for bed. I said goodbye to whoever was around and then headed to the hotel room. I put the key in the door and opened it and gasped at what I saw.

            They just sat there on the floor facing each other cross-legged and staring into each other's eyes. They didn't even notice the door open or me standing there until I cleared my throat.

            "Tix!" Liam said with a smile. "What're ya-"

            "Going to bed." I replied quickly trying to keep my cool.

            "Oh this is your room?" Patsy asked feigning surprise. "Liam! You never said-"

            "Please take your John and Yoko act elsewhere." I said firmly.

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