Chapter 23

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            "Where ya goin'?" Noel asked as he looked up from his guitar at me.

"Lunch with Kelly." I replied as I headed towards the door.


"My friend, Kelly. Roommate from back home. She lives in Levenshulme now."

"What the fuck's she doin' there?" He asked. The confusion on his face looked so real it was hard to tell if he was taking the piss or not.

"She lives there." I said flatly. I wasn't arsed for a game. "I told you that."

He shook his head. "No ya didn't."

"Yes I did."

"No ya-"

"Oh for fuck's sake!" I screamed. "You're not funny Noel so just stop-"

"Oi!" He barked as he got off the couch and came towards me. "Who the fuck d'ya think y'are? You're not to be talkin' to me like that. You're in my fuckin' house!"

"I'm not in your house, you prick! You're too fuckin' good for this place remember?"

He furrowed his eyebrows and looked like he was about to spit fire.

I shook my head. "I'm outta here!" I said before turning around and heading to the door.

"Hang on a minute!" He called after me. "Addie! Addie!"

"Our apartment in Lakewood." I began as I picked at my pasta. "We've still got a lease on it, don't we?"

"Yeah." Kelly replied. "Another six months, isn't it? You're still sending your rent, right?"

"Yeah. I mean, I'm having my mom wire the money to make it easier with all the international stuff but. Did you ever take your stuff out?"

"Not yet. I've still gotta get that figured out. How about you?"

I never thought I'd step foot in Cleveland again unless it was for a stop on some tour. The band had already been talking about where the international legs would be and of course the States were one of them. But after everything that happened, I wondered if it was worth the wait.

"I don't know." I replied quietly.

Concern took over her. "Addie?" She said. "Is everything alright?"

I felt the tears pooling as I thought about it, shaking my head trying to make the thinking stop.

But it was no use.

"Liam cheated on me."


I nodded. "He claims he didn't but I don't believe him." I sobbed. "He took off for hours when we were staying in London with Noel. He did it on tour too. He'd just disappear and I wouldn't see him for however long 'til he came back. There's this girl, Patsy. She's some actress. She came to a few of their shows and then one time I caught her and Liam...they were just sitting there pretending to be John and Yoko or something. I don't know if they were actually fucking or not but Liam claims he only invites her around 'cuz she brings him drugs. And then Noel said-"

"Wait." She stopped me by putting her hand up. "Why the fuck would you listen to Noel? He's a total ass-"

"He said Liam cheated on me in Japan. Another one of his shitty attempts at being John Lennon reincarnated."

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