Chapter 91

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The tour kicked off a couple weeks after the album was released. It didn't surprise me the boys would want to hurry and get on the road so we loaded up the tour bus and got on with it.

            The first few gigs took place in Norway, Sweden, and Denmark before sending the band back to the UK. Most venues were booked for at least two nights proving this tour was big enough to give everyone a second helping.

            We ended up in Aberdeen for a couple shows just before Liam's birthday. His birthday would be a day off saved mostly for travelling to the next venue like all the other days off usually were.

            The boys were welcomed on stage by thunderous applause from the crowd. Everyone was fucking ready for the concert, the music, anything involved when Oasis came to town.

            I felt sort of lonely on the side of the stage watching everything unfold. Noel was sure to kiss me on his way out to his guitar and once he was gone it felt like he was miles away, even though it was really only a few feet that separated us.

            Emma and Paul stayed far away from me. In fact, Emma didn't even want to be at the concert. She "suffered through" the first night and didn't understand why she had to stay for the second one. Surely, Marcus could let her have the night off so she and Paul could go explore Aberdeen before we had to leave.

            But Marcus put his foot down and had Paul in his court when Emma began to protest. Our duties under Ignition required us to look after the lads.

            Maybe she could visit Scotland on her honeymoon.

            Phil kept me company throughout the gig and only left when being a roadie called him away. Noel occasionally looked over and winked at me but even that was minimal given how into the show he was.

            My eyes met with Paul's a couple times and he always gave me a quick nod. Emma never noticed thank goodness but at least I knew things were peaceful between me and one of their halves.

            The concert finally ended and the after party waited for us all backstage in the dressing room. The boys quickly opened bottles and baggies, skinned up, and got things right under way.

            "Ya need a drink." Noel told me. "If you don't drink then I can't drink."

            "And why does my drinking or not have any effect on you?" I asked curiously.

            He shrugged. "What ya want? I'll fix ya anythin' you'd like. I'm your personal bartender." He grinned.

            I smirked back feeling my cheeks heat up a bit. "A pineapple bomb. But can you make it like a regular size drink?"

            He nodded. "I can make it any size you'd like." He informed me.

            "Ta." I replied.

            He went over to the bar, found an empty glass, and poured several different kinds of drinks into it. His hand covered most of the labels as he tipped the bottles into the glass so I had no idea if the concoction he was creating truly would be a pineapple bomb or not.

            "Course. He's my brother and I love him to death." Liam said making me turn my head towards him. "But the way he's actin' on account of his missus..." He trailed off when our eyes met.

            "Go on." I instructed walking over to sit on the couch across from him and Guigsy. "What were you gonna say?"

            He shook his head. "Nothin' that no one doesn't already know." He took a drag off the joint he was sharing with Guigsy.

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