Back with our lovable group of idiots, Wildcat was seething, wanting to know why the hell they were in there old server including in these unknown lands.
Wildcat: EVAN!!!
He yelled at the leader of the crew, as a leader, he probably pull something, if not, the one person who's usually responsible for causing shit to go haywire.
Vanoss: Hehe😅
Vanoss chuckled lightly as Wildcat's just went an octave higher.
Wildcat: I know this was you, if it wasn't Brian, then there is a high chance it miggt be you! You ALWAYS pull pranks on us!
Vanoss: Hehe, I did not do this, I swear 🙂
Evan said in a more relaxed tone, a smile on his face as he was the only member of Team 6 with a calm head on his shoulders.
Wilcat: BULLSHIT!! Judging by your expression, its definitely 100% be you!
Wildcat pointed his finger accusingly at Vanoss' direction.
Wildcat: Let me guess, you and Brian might hired technician engineers built some advance VR type Alpha Beta bullshit, kidnap us, and deal with this some kinda ' fun adventure' type crap! I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS! SO TELL ELON MUSK TO TURN THIS ISEKAI BULLSHIT OFF!!!
Vanoss: I'm telling you, I am not responsible for this, and its DEFINITELY not Brian. And there is no Elon Musk and Alpha Beta crap.
The humanoid owl said in defense of himself and the Irish Cyborg.
Wildcat: Oh, oh-ho, really? Oh really now? Okay then...
Wildcat said in an almost sarcastic tone as he looked at everyone else.
Wildcat: Then what's going on? Why are we back here? Why am I became my main avatar?
At this point, Wildcat pulled out his diamond sword and surprisingly an enchanted Desert Eagle and pointed it at everyone that wasn't him.
Wildcat: Which one of you idiots did it, huh? Who wants to die! Who wants to eat a dick and die... HUH?!? If this is a dream, then I'm outta here, Sayonara bitches!
Wildcat yelled when suddenly he pointed the enchanted gun below his chin, ready to pulled the trigger.
Terroriser: WILDCAT STOP!!! No one did it anything!
Terroriser screamed back at Wildcat making him stop trying to pull the trigger.
Terroriser: Sign, fucking jackass.
He muttered to himself as he looked towards the ground, shaking his head at Wilcat's rage moment and attempt to commit suicide.
Terroriser: I mean seriously, how do you thi-?
Terroriser said as he looked back at Wildcat, only for his eyes to widen for a millisecond before he was shot by the gun Wildcat uses to the head.
Everyone looked at Terroriser's corpse as it laid on the ground, eyes widened, shocked, and blinking a few times before slowly turning their heads towards Wildcat, who had a scowl on his face that said 'I ain't takin' no bullshit'.
Soon enough, Terroriser's corpse starting to blink out of existence, a beam of light coming down from the sky before it took the form of a humanoid shape, said shape being that of Terroriser as he and his body reformed, now having fully respawned, or the first person respawn in the commune.
By the time he respawn, the team looked at Terroriser's terrifying face like he seen multiple ghost.
Terroriser: I-Is that... what death feels like...

Banana Bus Squad x Isekai
FanfictionThe Vanoss Crew, a band of very dangerous, slightly chaotic, and extremely hilarious group of lovable, and hatable but yet smart idiots who always mainly loved playing video games together for CONTENT. They are consists of Seven individuals. Their L...