Extra Chapter(4): Terroriser vs Mini Ladd(Webnovel's Version)

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During the battle in Orazvil almost a year ago, two individuals stared down at each other, one giving a devilish grin, and one giving a gloomy look.

"Well, well. well, if it isn't Mini," Terroriser said with a grin, "And what's this? No little Timmy glued to your crotch. Progress!"

Mini Ladd retorted, “Really? Still with the pedo jokes? You still haven't changed, you retarded twat."

"Excuse me, but I'm an Irish Terminator! I blast a shit ton of Leprechauns to get this title! I deserve to be called such."

"Anyway, we are out-topic right here, we should get into it," 

Stepping forward, the space around Mini Ladd began to distort as a crimson glow shine beneath his glasses, letting out a sadistic grin.

"You have been chosen to reveal my existence to the world! You will witness what happens here today, and you will tell of it later," He said, bringing out sword-like claws from his hands, "Except you won't... 'cuz I'll have killed ya! Hahahahahahahahahahahaha...!"

Terroriser claps his hands in applause, "Oh my! Brilliant speech. And unoriginal. That's totally from Boondock Saints."

"What? No it isn't. I came up with it a week ago!"

 "Whatever. Where are your other MAP friends?"

"The only one left here is your sorry pale arse."

"So what do you want anyway? Why are you here in this city? Elementary school is not available."

Halting his steps, Mini Ladd's eyes narrowed at Terroriser as he muttered, "Okay, you know what? Fuck it."

All of a sudden, Mini Ladd vanishes like a mirage. At the next second, he silently reappeared behind Terroriser with his hands coated in black flames.

"With just a touch, you'll be seeing Jesus."

As Mini Ladd was about to grab Terroriser with a spell that was able to cause instant death to living organisms, his eyes caught something down below Terroriser's elbow.




With a loud bang, the silver gun shot as a bullet struck Mini Ladd in the head, blasting him back and collapsing on the ground.


Kicking the motionless body of Mini Ladd, Terroriser smirked and turned around to head back.

"Well, now that that's over, gotta back for a bowl of my favorite cereal, "Count Choc-"


Terroriser didn’t finish as his head was instantly separated from his body.


Somehow, Mini Ladd creepily rose up from the ground with the bullet flattened on Mini Ladd's forehead before falling off, revealing his skin seemed to be intact, not even a bruise.

"If guns are your main weapon, well I'm sorry, they don't do shit to demigods though." He laughed and begins to walk away, "Well, now that that's over, gotta back for a bowl of my favorite cereal, "Frankenber-"

Interrupting Mini Ladd's sentence is when he heard… music?

With an epic choir played in the background, Terroriser's headless body slowly rose up with his head regenerated with nanomachines materializing it back.

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