Chapter 160: I Like to Order One Unagi Set!

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Most people would consider The Isles it a peaceful place to live, a country far west from the United Republic of Aetlrus, it is filled with thousands of smaller islands, numbers that even rivals Malaysia, the Philippines, and Indonesia combine, which makes themselves having also the largest Navy Force that even surpasses the Empire and the Republic combined, only second to the Theocracy.

Unlike other countries, Monsters and dangerous Magical Beasts were rare in this country, it is also famous for being the home of numerous Industries and Corporations, with 20% of the population were all Merchants that will trade with their products to other countries around the world, making the country as a World Trading Center of Fordalt.

It was quite peaceful, besides the occasional store robberies, terrorist incident or group of seven causing general mayhem with a variety of things including explosive RC cars months ago.

Take all that bad away and it was an overall great place to live with stores for every need no matter how small, fairly priced houses, soaring social life and just the right amount of nature to secure a homely feeling....

Till an enormous shadow pierce the clouds, the citizens of a city near the ocean shores with no defensive walls looked up in horror, many fled, many who worship gods pray for their saviors for not getting crushed.

Just seconds ago it was a peaceful Utopia till chaos erupts just the next second.

One of the citizens looked at the giant metal object falling like a meteor, but then he spotted countless things in the side and the bottom of the object with flames bursting onto their ass, as if trying to push the Fleet to the side and slowing its descend to avoid crushing the city or create a world ending extinction similar how it killed the dinosaurs.

And those gadgets that Terroriser made, referring to the ones that put the split ship into one from Spider Man Homecoming, had managed to save thousands.

Once the fleet landed on the ground just a few hundreds of meters from the city, chunks of stone and dirt were sent flying everywhere, crushing countless trees that stood tall as it tore up everything in its path.

People were screaming and running for their lives. Was it a Magic Beast attack? Or was it those guys that got into a turf war with the city's rat population a month ago?

The giant Chimera Fleet slowly came to a halt in the middle of the destroyed forest and field as the sound of more crashing echoed through the landscape, just the tip of the ship hit a small part of the city, destroying a few buildings and streets but the citizens were still managed to escape

A single figure stood atop of the ship in a superhero pose while giggling like a mad man.

"CITIZENS, YOUR KING DELIRIOUS HAS ARRIVED!" The masked man in the blue hoodie and long red cape announced while giving a hearty laugh and adjusting a golden crown on his head. Delirious looked around the scene, seeing the closer buildings smashed to pieces with shattered glass and broken doors while the further ones were only straddled.

A man wearing a cowboy hat poked his head up from behind a slab of what was the barrier wall with a pissed off expression.

"Hey! You're the bastard that broke and stole our illegal trading deals and killed ma' Jimmy the Soul Eater six months ago! Gimme back ma damn horse!" He screamed angrily while shaking his fist. He picked up a rock and threw it with all his force, smacking the hockey masked man square in the face. He yelped and fell off the crashed ship.

A black and yellow shape flew out of the rising cloud of smoke emanating from the ship wreck below.

Terroriser and the rest of the rear team were looking out of the chopper windows around the city. Rubble was scattered all around the edge of the city but nothing too bad, for Banana Bus standards at least that is.

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