Chapter 56: The Banana Bus

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Team 6's Current Rank: <C+> rank

They could level a district in Fordalt's standard but they could level an entire city in Earth's standard.


(22 minutes before Sebastian and Zabrina's return)

As the sun rises up, shining the great Minecraft island of Team 6. As the time of the morning came, a person woke up somewhere laying in the Beacon instead of his house as his eyes started to twitch.

Nogla: *YAWN!* ¦3

Nogla yawned out as he slowly rose from the beacon, stretching while doing so.

Scratching his back, Nogla slowly turned his head towards the sun then began to inhale the air to his lungs and...

Nogla: Cock-a-doodle-doo! Cock-a-doodle-doo!! COCK-A-DOODLE-DOO!!! *Cough!* *Cough!* *Cough!!*...... Shit.

(In Terroriser's House)


The door of their shared room was instantly kicked, revealing Vanoss who is already fully geared up.


Wildcat: Jesus Christ! Can you say something besides 'Alright'?!

Vanoss: 😐.........OKAY!!! 

Delirious/Moo: Hahahaha!

Basically: *Wheeze*

Vanoss: Okay, you motherfuckers! We need to go now! Let's gear up!

Terroriser: _(¦<」∠)_ Nahhhh, just a little longer. I didn't get to sleep very nicely last night.

Vanoss: Don't care, don't give a shit. Let. us. go. I COULDN'T HELP THE EXCITEMENT OF ADVENTURE TOWARDS THESE NEW WORLD!

Evan shouted with fire in his eyes.

Terroriser: Alright! Alright!

Vanoss: Perfect! Now start the music!

*Start music: Raspberry - Go all the wa—

(Time Skip, brought to you by Chibi Team 6 doing Lalalala it goes around the world on Leon)

Team 6: O_O

Not even 5 minutes had passed, by the time they all finished gearing up and went to the center of their commune, what they didn't expect was that over 30 dead corpses were everywhere.

Basically: Jesus ( •_•)

Wildcat: What in the FUCK happened here?!???!???!

Tyler exclaimed, not even he expected something like this. The area they were seeing is full of bloody corpses, even worse than when the goblins, ogres, and Hobgoblins invaded their home just a month ago, the day where they transported here, now most of them getting some flashbacks.

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