Chapter 108: Metal as Hell 2/3

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Team 6 and a group of Paladin Knights from the Church of the Golden Dawn were underneath the overpass of a humongous bridge taking some rest & checking their gear as well and then they will start moving north again. 

Right now, the 2 groups began to explain each other's stories about their adventures, especially Team 6 explaining everything about theirs, except the part they are from another world.

Paladin Knight Commander: Damn lad. You guys have been through a lot of stuff in just half a year.

Basically: Yeah! I'm still surprised we're still breathing after all of this. 

Bulky Paladin Knight: But we admire your bravery and resolve, comrade. Handling this much, while it might be a hard task, you're still here. Seems like the Goddess of fate favours you the most. 

Wildcat: Yeah yeah...... Anyways people let's move. Breaks over. 

Everyone nodded and started moving forward while keeping an eye on their surroundings. They kept on hearing the sounds of explosions, roars, blades, and pew pew gunfire echoing throughout the city. 

Delirious: Guys, look at this place, 5 million people used to live in this city, now it's a warzone. I've never seen anything like this.

Wildcat: Ok, Delirious, shut the fuck up, enough Call of Duty reference and you know this isn't the first time we seen chaos in a city.

As the group walks through the deserted streets filled with destruction. As they made a right turn and saw something they shouldn't have. 

Moo: Oh. my. god. 

What they saw was a bunch of vehicle-like vehicles broken and torn apart and lying around left and right..... but there were bodies of civilians and Meccan Soldiers as well. Some of them were ripped apart, blasted by Demonic spells or had severe lacerations around their body and most of the buildings and stores around the area of the road they were looking at were burning or destroyed. It wasn't a pretty sight to witness. 

Vanoss:........Keep moving team. They are already gone. 

Vanoss said as he kept moving forward with the rest following close behind him and looking at destruction around them. 

Many of them were used to this type of sight but still it didn't help seeing the bodies of innocents & soldiers who were trying to help them escape the city and save their country just lying dead around them. Terroriser saw two bodies of a couple hugging each other and were lying on the ground dead. They must have held on to each other in their final moments.

Terroriser: Repose ton âme en paix.

Brian spoke in French.

The rest could only look in sadness, horror and regret at the death and destruction around them. This is similar to the Orazvil and Kalrem incident but several times worse. 

Vanoss, although was getting more flashes in his head and then they stopped. Evan shook his head and continued looking around, then he heard Moo's words behind him.

Vanoss: Hm?

Moo:..........You're seeing this right? 

Vanoss:.....Yes. There's nothing we could have done, Brock. 

Moo:......I'm starting to think that ever since our arrival into this world, we are just bringing more chaos around ourselves and to this world. One disaster happens , then another and this just keeps going on, then people start dying or get hurt around us. 

Nogla: Calm down, Brock, don't ever blame ourselves for bad things happening around us.

Basically: Yeah, but we indeed save many lives when we are involved. I bet without us, more people will die.

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