Chapter 34: An Unstoppable Beast

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Harold: Careful!

The leader of Scarlet Prince's cried out and took out his shield. He and his men instantly moved to protect Herald and Karen.

In one second, they had formed a circle with the city lord's children in the center. They then pointed their weapons to the people charging towards them.

An instant later, the black shadows clashed with them.


Herald: Karen, the barrier!

Herald shouted. Karen nodded shakily and activated the barrier in her necklace.

Just like that, the fight between the black shadows and Harold's men started.

But not all the shadows attacked them. Half of the shadows attacked our three idiotic main characters.

However, both of three could not help but wrinkle their brows at that moment.

They first had thought that Herald and the others would turn againsts them at this moment, joining hands with the black-dressed men to attack them while they explained the reason behind it.

In fact, they also even expecting to fight the city lord. Marcel had told them that if the city lord appeared, then they will go all out.

But for some reason, not only Herald's group was not attacking them, but they even were fighting against half of the black-dressed men.

Basically(Thoughts): Could it be that I was mistaken? Is the city lord not the one behind the attacks?

For an instant, he could not help but doubt his judgment.

But he shook his head in the next instant.

Basically(Thoughts): No, I'm sure I'm right. Then... They want to make us believe they are not with the black-dressed men? But why are they still feigning ignorance at this point?

Marcel and his friends did not know the reason, but if they wanted to play, they are going to accompany them.

Basically: Armors ready!

With Marcel's voice as the signal, the three immediately wore their armor.

Delirious: Go Triceratop-!

Basically: No power rangers reference, Delirious! Not the time!

Delirious: Okie :/

Then, the three turned into a bluish warriors!

Before the armor covered their body completely, Marcel's hands were grabbing one Netherite sword and one energy pistol. Brock, he also wore his armor and took out two energy guns created. The two aimed to the black-dressed men charging towards them and shot.

*Bam!* *Bam!* *Bam!*

With their first shot, all of thr bullets only hits one of the black-dressed men fell.

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