Chapter 95: Night Massacre

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A few minutes after Vanoss left, several Humvees like vehicles with Mount Turrets on top known as Antelope A20 quickly arrived at the entrance of the Facility.

A few minutes after Vanoss left, several Humvees like vehicles with Mount Turrets on top known as Antelope A20 quickly arrived at the entrance of the Facility

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Standing outside of the facility, they could hear the blaring sound of the alarms ringing from inside of the facility

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Standing outside of the facility, they could hear the blaring sound of the alarms ringing from inside of the facility.


Opening the door and entering the facility, the members of Unit 191 paused at the scene presented before them.

Guard 1: What in the world happened here?

Guard 2: The guards standing at the entrance have been killed?

Guard 3: Who's the one responsible for this?

Guard 4: What? You're telling me that the surveillance and communication have been cut off?

Silver: What about professor George?

Many of them couldn't contain themselves and asked different questions. Their confusions only grew as time passed. Listening to the live reporters coming from the other squad units downstairs, they couldn't help but gasp in surprise.

Walking up to his captain, the members of the 19th unit reported.

Guard 1: Captain, Unit 17 who are downstairs have reported George is dead. Furthermore, the 204th Unit has been annihilated, and two members from the 3rd Unit have been reported missing."

Silver: What!?

All of the guards let out a breath of cold air. Cold sweat ran down their backs. Was this all done by one person? But how was that possible?

Solemnly looking at the scene, the captain spoke.

Captain: Has anyone said anything about the identity of the target?

Guard 1: Yes.

Silver: Continue.

Guard 1: According to the reports, the target seems to be one of the test subjects that George was working on...from reports, he seems to be called subject 682.

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