The Vanoss Crew, a band of very dangerous, slightly chaotic, and extremely hilarious group of lovable, and hatable but yet smart idiots who always mainly loved playing video games together for CONTENT.
They are consists of Seven individuals. Their L...
???: For the past hundreds of years now, the people in Fordalt has faced conflicts for far too long.
A blonde woman with Drakonian features says as she spoke to a group of cultist.
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The scene changes on top of a very large structure towring every buildings in the city.
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In top of the tower, another group of cultist but unlike the ones who wore dark blue in the previous scene, they wore black with a bit red designs within it. The group of smirking black cultist can be seen on top of the tower in the city of Orazil, ready for their ultimate plan.
???: But now, the time of the chaos will soon began.
She stated.
???: Corrupted nobles, mass numbers of bandits, reproduction rate of monsters, numerous terrorist organizations, etc. But now, it is time to end of it.
An image of a leader of the black cultist, smirking evily in a dimly lit room can be seen.
???: The times ahead will be difficult. We will experience alot of loses. But I believe hope for us remains.
Now a silhouette of an owl man can be seen, polishing a crowbar.
???: I believe that our newfound allies will be enough to bring peace to Fordalt.
Now a silhouette of a group of seven can be seen, readying their weapons.
That's when a Wolf Beastmen, the leader of this elite task force in the group decided to speak up.
Wolf man: Miss Wave, you know I would never disobey direct order you give us, but what you suggest... about putting faith in our new allies... you must realize this idea seems, well to put it in simpler terms while excusing my language..... undeniably idiotic and foolhardy.
The silhouette group then started to converse each other.
???: It's time to kick some ass.
A man in a hockey mask said.
???: Yeah...
A pig man agreed, only for all of the group to hear a knock at their apartment door.