Chapter 105: Tower Defense

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The rain started to plummet down from the sky not too long ago, obstructing everyone's vision.

Dwarf 1: What is the situation?

Two dwarves were looking at the situation from a small operating room in an unknown location in the city. One of them had both of his hands pressing on the table, looking through the video images of the Mountain where Meikneonir was. He had fiery red hair and wore a brown apron.

The other dwarf stood behind the red-haired dwarf with folded arms. He appeared to be in his middle ages. His long back hair was braided behind his back, and his white beard also had a couple of braids by the side of it. Unlike the other dwarf, he had a serious disposition, as his brows always locked into a frown.

The dwarf with a serious disposition opened his mouth.

Dwarf 2: The situation be nae good, Drones spotted signs of High levels of Demonic Energy. When measuring it, no doubt they are casting a 10th tier spell on us.

The red-haired dwarf nodded his head in agreement.

Red Haired Dwarf: You're right. If that magic attack hits the mountain, it will be total chaos.

Both dwarves agreed on the fact that if they didn't do anything, it would lead to too many losses.

The red-haired dwarf walked towards the middle of the room where a large yellow beacon stood.

Red-haired Dwarf: Seems like we have nae choice but ta activate tha defensive system.

Dwarf: Go ahead, I've already reported it ta tha Regency Council.

Red Haired Dwarf: Good, I'll start.

*Di! Ding!*

Pressing his hand on the beacon, a defiant yellow hue discharged from the beacon. A glaring red [100%] appeared in the middle of the beacon, and a homing sound soon sounded.


Before long, a bright yellow light shot towards the sky from the beacon.


Rushing towards the northern tower, the dwarf responsible for the northern tower, shouted loudly towards his communication device.

Dwarf 3: What!? yer planning on activating tha defensive system this early into tha war!?


Suddenly a bright light shot towards the sky. Once the light reached a certain point, each of the towers on the walls shook and multiple yellow lights soon shot out as well, converging with the light coming from the beacon, forming a bright yellow ball in the middle of the sky.

Once the lights converged, a thin transparent yellow film started extending from the yellow ball, enveloping the entire mountain.

Dwarf 3: Shit…

Lowering the hand that held the communication device, the Dwarf cursed.



The sounds of the sirens rang out throughout the whole city as the dwarves quickly closed up shop and hid inside of their homes.

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