Chapter 102: Meikneoir

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(A Day Later)

The blazing sun had set, and darkness enveloped the sky.

The crackling sound of wood burning rang out inside of the forest.

Vanoss: Haa…

Amidst the fiercely burning fire, Evan sat and stared at the fire opposite to him.

It had only been a day since they defeated Xavier and his boys, and everyone was tired.

Apart from Wildcat and Vanoss, who were on night watch, everyone had fallen asleep in their tents.

Wildcat: Evan, now that little manhunt is over, can you tell us what are your plans?

Disrupting the silence, Tyler asked.

With his eyes still lingering on the raging fire in front of him, Evan took a branch from next to him and casually threw it in the fire.


Throwing the branch at it, the fire then burned even more violently.

Vanoss: If you're curious as to where we're going, then we're going to the Meccan Kingdom.

Wildcat: The Meccan Kingdom? The countries of Midgets? Bruh, we are currently in the Kingdom of Talpamia in the Great Isthmus Region. We are more like thousands of kilometers over there! Can I ask why we're going there? Because I'm sick of tired of running like Scooby doo bullshits around this fucking continent for months!

Vanoss: Wow, calm down, Tyler, you know we have the Banana Bus, remember? Right, as for your question, there are several reasons, but the main one is because I'm looking for someone to forge our weapons, especially my Netherite sword, which is about to break any time soon.

Taking out something from his Inventory, Evan shows an Ancient Debris to Tyler.

Wildcat: Ancient Debris? Are you planning to let someone build a new Netherite sword? Why can't we craft it and enchant some?

Vanoss: Tyler, this is the last one in our entire supplies, even I'm gonna find some in the Nether, I'll die there for real, ain't risking it. Secondly, I've heard rumours when I eavesdropped on many people for the past few months about a great forger, he could forge a better Netherite sword than the Minecraft systems we used.

Wildcat: I see. 

Vanoss: Also, I think this is a great opportunity for everyone here.

Wildcat: Good opportunity?

Vanoss: Mhm, think about it, Dwarves over there are incredibly resourceful and advanced, they can improve all of our gears. Even perhaps I might not even have to wait for long before the Tracking System in the chip inside of my head is disabled.

Wildcat: Hm, interesting.

It is one of the reasons why Evan was planning to go to the Meccan Kingdom because there, the dwarves were incredibly smart.

There was a chance that they could create an artifact that could block whatever was installed in the chip inside of his head.

Furthermore, improving their gears and the chip on Vanoss is not the only objective he was planning, there is also one of the materials and ingredients in order to return the group back to Earth, their original world.

For the past 3 months, right now Vanoss and his friends had achieved 11 materials and ingredients to return home, one of them is the Remedium Flower and the Blister Wolves' furs.

Wildcat: Okay, that makes sense.

Agreeing with Evan's words, he then tossed a branch into the fire.

Wildcat: Then, what about after that?

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