Chapter 131: Dance Fight

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(On the Train)

The Train moved further away from the Transport Station at the speed of a normal bullet with multiple of its armored carts having multiple bullet holes torn into the metal walls. Just a glance that it's not a normal gun was being used as the train's metal is made out of the shell of an <A+> Rank Monster, Charybdis.

Inside, numerous guards and workers screamed at the top of their lungs for help as they were each picked off one by one.

Two guards stood in front of a door that reached to the Steam Engine Room with powerful magic weapons drawn out, both looking frantically in front of them facing at the door that leads to the next cart where the noise of chaos coming from.

"Du-Dude, did they take care of the intruder?" One asked shakily while his partner glanced silently into the door where all the sounds of chaos stopped.

Suddenly, the door automatically opens and before the two B-rank experts could react, a red figure came flying at them and with no time to realize, they were both somehow flung through the door and into the Steam Engine Room before the light could enter their vision when they opened their eyes at the same time.

Startled by the sudden noise, the two train drivers turned around to see a man in a red and white jacket standing there in the doorway with a grin on his face.

"Hey guys, how are you doing?" Vanoss said in a Spongebob tone.

But then to his shock, he noticed the two train drivers didn't look surprised and instead looked very high with a large blue magical dust in the table at the center of the room.

"Oh boy, who said you can use drugs in the middle of the job?" Vanoss smiled mockingly.

"Heyyy... it's Jung Kook!" One of them yelled angrily while he is very high on the magic drugs.

"Yeahhh, you and that shitty K-Pop "Big Testicle Shit" (BTS) crew of yours sucks! Your fucking music and dances are so cringe and sucks dick!" His partner yelled before running at Vanoss only to be punched square in the face before falling back.

The man that was being pushed back accidentally hit his partner who also got pushed like a chain reaction, he moved backward till he accidentally fell against the control panels and the train suddenly started to grow speed rapidly till it reached faster than a Fighter Jet.

The previous opponent of Evan stood back up and tried to run at him this time he had a knife, which didn't do that much as Evan effortlessly grabbed the knife with two fingers, forced it above his head and kicked him in the stomach, knocking the air out of him, including a small specks of blue dust towards Evan who is unaware of being hit.

After literally letting the air out of his lungs within an instant, he was pushed back and sent to the floor unconscious.

"Moral of this story, kids. Don't do drugs." Vanoss simply said to the readers before standing in the doorway and as he was about to leave, he threw something in the room.

"Here's a present." He said while starting to move back, taking out something from his Inventory revealing to be the Spatial Dagger.

Halting his steps in the middle of the room, Vanoss then moved his hand in an X movement, using the Spatial Dagger to literally tear space in front of him.

Halting his steps in the middle of the room, Vanoss then moved his hand in an X movement, using the Spatial Dagger to literally tear space in front of him

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