Chapter 151: Equality, B!#%H!

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(Vanoss' Pov)

Hey what's up guys, it's yo boy Vanoss here, today's video is sponsored by PlayStation and their new dual sense Edge wireless controller, so big thanks for supporting the channel and I'm actually using it in the video becau—... oh wait, I'm still stuck in this world. Fuck! I'm starting to lose my mind the more I get stuck in here.

So previously, I was caught up in a shit ton of fights in this chaotic week, a fight between me and the blonde chick, an old man, a man with a harem girl in black, and the blonde chick's dad as me and the gang literally Blitzing his residents with a Tank.

And so, today after recuperating from my wounds in the hospital of Academy City, especially pranking my friends which I miss the good ol' times, I was laying in my ass off in the grassy fields at a Park, even better, the weather is both sunny and cloudy which puts it at the right temperature and atmosphere.

I was incredibly relaxed, no more fighting, no more chaotic shit, and best of all no more Marcel's angry arguments, Wildcat's dick jokes, Delirious and Nogla's misspeaking and gibberish words and listening to Moo's cringe dad jokes and puns.

It was quite peaceful... until I met a certain loli.... should I call it loli? I keep hearing Nogla mentioning it when we encounter little girls and female minors, so the word's definition might be like that.

She looked like an elementary school student, and her height too. And right now, I was in an unknown room. My sight is all black. I can't see anything at all. From what I feel, I was sitting on a metal chair, and... my hands and feet were chained.

"Oh? Have you finally gotten up?" A woman's words sounded in the dark room, and a light suddenly appeared in front of me.

"Where am I? Am I back at the Heaven of Virgins?" I squinted my eyes as it then slowly opened, which the first thing I saw was a woman with flaming red hair and scarlet colored iris.

Right now, her face is only five inches away from mine.

"Who the hell are you!?" 

"Seriously?! You can't even remember the face of your enemy?"

"No, seriously, have we ever met?" 

The red-headed woman facepalm her face, "If this is your response, how can I believe you defeated Isabella, destroyed a major part of her household and beat her father unconscious who was at the Demigod Realm?"

"Isabella? You.... don't tell me you're—"

"That's right, I'm the Student Council

President, Mira Flarnette!"


In silence, I tilted my head before realization dawned on me.

"Oh, I was about to say the Nymphomaniac friend of hers from the rumors I keep hearing 😐"





(A Few Hours Ago, Third Person POV)

"Your name.... Neapolitan Heran Fouche, is it?" Vanoss asked.


Currently, Vanoss and the loli---*cough!*....little girl Neapolitan, or Neo what everyone calls her, the two were walking in the corridor somewhere in the school building's since she said that she lost when she was looking for her toy. Is she new here? Seriously, why would a student be still playing with toys in a school filled with young adult monsters and geniuses?

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