The Vanoss Crew, a band of very dangerous, slightly chaotic, and extremely hilarious group of lovable, and hatable but yet smart idiots who always mainly loved playing video games together for CONTENT.
They are consists of Seven individuals. Their L...
Hidden within the forest at the outskirts of Academy City, a large army of alien creatures with highly advanced weaponry were patiently waiting for the game to end in Academy City.
There were the Chimeras.
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Then, a figure arrived through a portal along with another person to greet the aliens that had recently arrived in this world.
The person is Kazimir Zykov, also known as the Forsaken.
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"Welcome Chimeras, to your war test. To see if you're worth joining my multiversal war. You will cause slaughter and turn the city's population into chimeras once that fox's little competition is over." The Forsaken spoke to the army of bloodthirsty aliens.
He then continued, "The goal here is not to achieve victory but to make them suffer the horrors of what you can do to them and your hive mind and be given full permission to go all out so don't pull your punches."
The Chimera soldiers nodded and continued with their preparations.
"Why suffer? When you can kill." His partner, Mangler asked.
"Because the mind of a person is fragile due to the emotions it stores." Forsaken responded, "The more I show Regina her dead or turned students the more her mind will not handle the horror and pain then poof! They break. Well, she isn't easy to break, yes, but the rest in Academy City are so we make them suffer. Just like how I'm doing to Rodeo by bringing war in the universe he is in so that he suffers, breaks, and turns him on my side by using the dark aether that has infected his soul... and for my evil amusement of course."
"Uh, huh, I see."
Then the two opened and were about to leave, but before that...
"Wait, can they even cause chaos? You know this world has a lot of people capable of wiping out a majority of our forces?" Mangler asked.
"Oh, I know they will get easily decimated, the reason is that I have other plans for them."
"And wait, why didn't you get support from that guy, Zero and his forces? He has like a few hundreds of members capable of toppling world governments and wiping out civilizations alone. Not to mention he himself has enough power to wipe out every life in the universe." He then asked about the leader of the unknown organization.