Chapter 22: Inevitable Event

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Yuna's pov

I soon went home and took my uniform off and changed cropped zip-up hooded sweater over a matching top and black gym pants.

I soon called Lisa and explained to her about the second timeline Valhalla and bringing Hiro-kun to explain the situation by knowing he will hate Kazutora since he idolized Shin-san.

I mean his death was a big impact on everyone along with other generations who valued the First Gen ideals.

I mean most of the founders like Mikey, Draken, Mitsuya, and Pah-chin held resentment towards him while I and Keisuke don't due knowing this delusion of his was created through losing his sanity.

He grew up as force picking sides through domestic violence through his abusive shitty father and mother who gladly divorced that bastard.

Either way, he ends up developing the mental illness of killing Mikey after he accidentally kills Shin-san.

Even me and Keisuke know this enough and we bear the same sin as him.

I soon sigh before hearing a knock on the door which I went to my door and open as seeing Saemon and Lisa who was a black sailor uniform with red lines and a long skirt that reaches her ankles.

"Sup, I brought Saemon"

"And I brought food from Starbucks along with your caramel frappe"

Hiro-kun said as showing off a bag of Starbucks and my beloved caramel frappe.

I soon let them in which they made themselves comfortable in my living room as I walked and sat down on the couch in front of Hiro-kun and behind Lisa.

"So, what's up? Is something wrong? Did something happen?" Hiro-kun soon asked which I soon sigh by knowing I have explained this the easier way for him to understand.

The Christian way.

"Do you believe in miracles?" I soon said which he was surprised by that as I felt Lisa quietly watching us and me about telling him the truth.

"Yes, I do. Why are you asking that?"

"Do you believe that God would you a second chance by blessing you with the power of seeing the future to save your friends and stopping your best friend from becoming a murderer?"


I soon explained to him everything about my foresight ability and my future memories along with the deaths of my best friend and him in Moebius Timeline.

Hiro-kun was shocked and more horrified when I told them about what was the cost to give this ability.

Mikey attempted suicide in front of me while I begged him to stay with me.

"No way...I didn't know that...I'm so sorry about what happened in the previous timeline..." He said which I softly chuckle before smiling at him.

"Yeah, but I'm fine, that was one of the reasons why I was avoiding Mikey and Draken and the reason why I cried that day. I didn't know what to do but I couldn't tell them since...they died...I told Lisa since she was by my side after I lost my will to fight...I'm willing to do anything after Mikey's last words"

"I'm sorry for everything...please kill that bastard who ruined our lives...I wish we could've more time together...I love you, Yuna..."

That place truly smashes my broken heart. After everything, that pain doesn't alone me...still haunting me.

"Yuna-senpai, I promise I will have everything in my power stop that future. I know how Draken-san and Sano are important to you...I will help you out" he said with a determined look on his face which I smile back at him.

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