Chapter 1: It's the Small Things in Life

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     "RED LIONS BEEN HIT!" Pidge yelled to the others. "WE NEED VOLTRON!"

     "PIDGE IS RIGHT!" Shiro agreed. "FORM VOLTRON!"

      As the different parts of Voltron clicked into place, Pidge wondered if Keith was ok. He had taken a serious hit from the Galra's ion cannon. She didn't have any more time to reflect on the thought, as Voltron was finished forming. As Pidge joined reality again, she could she the Galra's ion cannon pulled backwards ever so slightly. The others either didn't see, or didn't care. Pidge knew better and like the Flash formed a shield right as the cannon fired. It hit the shield, pushing Voltron back and sparks went flying.

    "FORM SWORD!!" Shiro said. The red lion responded immediately, forming the dangerous blade. Voltron lurched forward, piercing the heart of the Galra ship, splitting it down the middle. In a display of light the lions broke off and returned to the castle, their work done. 

   Lance and Hunk walked off the to kitchen laughing. Allura, Coran, and Shiro were talking about new strategies, Pidge started to follow Lance and Hunk when she noticed that Keith hadn't shown up yet. It was already late, but Pidge snuck down to the Red lion to make sure Keith was okay. She got down and saw what she had expected. The red lion, in sitting position, barrier activated. 

     "Oh...Keith must've gone straight to bed I guess." Pidge said to herself. She started to walk away when she heard the red lion move behind her. She jumped in fright, and turned to she the red lion allowing her aboard it. She ran knowing the only reason the red lion would ever let her aboard would be if something is wrong. She made her way up to cock pit, and stopped as her heart began racing at the sight she saw. 

     There was Keith laying limp in the pilots chair. Pidge rushed over and checked for wounds. He was pretty beat up, but no serious injuries. Allura will be asleep, and the healing pods will be down too, Pidge thought. She knelt by the chair and nudged him.

    "Keith, wake up Keith." Pidge said in a small voice. Keith stirred and Pidge's hopes rose.

    "Ugh mmmmm" He mumbled. Pidge nudged him again. "Staapp" 

    "Keith, I can't carry you, you'll have to help me. You have to stand." Pidge softly said. Keith lazily open his eyes, and looked at Pidge.


Author's Note: Hey guys! Sorry this chapter is so short, but please tell me what I fix and or what you like about it. I would some critic on how to make my writing better! Yes, I am a Kidge shipper, sorry for those who don't. Fanart is allowed (if desired), and if you have any ideas feel free to write them in the comments below! Thank you for reading!

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