Chapter 1: "Lost In a cornfield looking for Cryptids" AU

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Thank you guys for supporting me even though I haven't posted in a long while! I love the comments that you make and your enjoyment makes my day! I love that I have to keep adding to my master map of everywhere that people have read from! Just before I get to the background of the story I just want to say thank you again, and if you have any constructive criticism for my stories like if they go to fast or they don't make sense I would love to get that from you! Besides grammar, I love to know ways to improve my writing!

So the background of the story is that Keith is 13, living in the country with his 20 years old brother Shiro who is fresh out of college. This is country as in miles and miles of pure fields. Neighbors seem worlds apart. Pidge is one of these said neighbors and she is 11. And it is summer vaca.

Keith was preparing himself. He was suiting up for his most dangerous mission yet. He had borrowed about 6 of Shiro's belt's while he was at work and was making sure that he had all the supplies that needed to be attached to them, along with his school bag full of supplies.

Keith had everything. Garlic, sharp silver knives, a tin foil hat--you can never be too careful--, a wooden stake, a go-pro attached to a headlight that he had on. Everything. 

That night while Shiro was spending the night at work, Keith would strike. Keith grabbed his paintball gun and loaded it, making sure to take some extra ammo, red paint of course. He wouldn't shoot until absolutely necessary. 

Keith walked downstairs and packed his backpack with an extra coat and food. He was finally ready. And he knew the cryptids weren't. He gazed out of his window, watching the corn in the field sway in the wind. He had stayed up countless nights, staring at a strange source of light from the center of the field.

Keith had a board in his room, thumbtacks, a ball of red yarns, and many theories. His best ones were the ones supported by all the evidence that he had and included: Mothman had set up his hacking base in the field. UFO's had landed and were trying to find a way to blend in with the human race. Bigfoot was figuring out how to use old tractor equipment that had long been left in the field. Vampire scientist's had found a way to stand in the sun and then had made the werewolves immune to the full moon too. There were too many to count.

Keith was packed and ready to go. He left a note on the fridge telling Shiro were he was in case he got back before Keith was or if Keith's 'a crazy scientist is creating zombies' idea was real and Keith didn't make it back.

Keith stepped outside and onto his porch, the wind blowing his hair. He carefully locked the door and started to walk towards the field. In his mind, he was the hero, slow-mo walking towards danger, his hair blowing in the wind the way that it was done on tv and all the girls swooned. He also imagined that the few leaves that had fallen made him look like an anime character.

He finally reached the edge of the cornfield. He jumped the fence that kept some of the animals out and he walked over to one of the posts. Keith had read a Greek myth about how one guy found his way through the Labyrinth by tying a string to the entrance and it leads him back. So, Keith had been buying string all week, knowing Shiro would be gone today.

Keith tied a string to the fence post and and with the yarn in hand he started into the maze.

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