Chapter 2: If I Was Human

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Keith just got out of a meeting with the others and he was honestly done with them. He had given up more than he would have liked, although only a fracture of what he ha to offer. He was so tired of dealing with people. To bad they had to stay and attemt to help him is his work. 

Keith was so internally frustrated that he an Pidge went to the lab to fix her bugs. Pidge stepped into her chamber, so that he harddrive could be acessed.

"And they had the nerve to crack jokes! And to be surprised about tech! Like seriously," Keith said, taking his jacket and rolling up his sleeves. "Running dianostics,"

"Yes sir," Pidge said, her voice more robotically. "Done," Keith looked atthe code in front of him and began to edit, making her more human like. That, of course, is when the others walked in to watched him work. They stayed silent as to not disturb him. Pidge flinched as the new code ingrain to her system. That was not normal.

"Speak," Keith ordered.

"What would you like me to say?" Pidge said sounding completely human.

"That was perfect, now I am going to make you immune to EMP's. We want to save the entire internet of information that has been stored on you brain," Keith said. Keith tyoe some more and another wave of code downloaded into Pidge. She flinched and grimanced this time. What is happening? Pidge thought. Wait, I can't think. Something ins not right.

"This will help with your freezing," Keith said before Pidge could interject. The code downloaded, and Pidge felt the shock go through her. Something is not right. I can think, I can feel. I have to tell Keith.

"Sir? I think something is wrong I-"

"Yes, I have one last adjust ment to make. I found a way to hide the metal and make you appear and become more human," Keith said typing.

"But sir something is wrong," Pidge said, actual emotion in her voice that was new. Keith hit the enter button and the final wave of code hit Pidge, sparks flying everywhere. Pidge felt sick, a heart beating inside her.

"Pidge?" Keith said pressed agaist the counter as the spraks died down Pidge stumbled out of the chamber. The cords that had been plugging into her had been pushed out. Pidge's bosy was aching with pain. She stumbled to Keith.

"Everything hurts," Pidge said, real tears streaming down her face. Keith supported her. Keith's eyes went wide as her felt the flesh of her arms."S-Sir something is w-wrong,"

"Pidge?" Keith asked in worry. There was emotion in her voice, she was to human. Someone else walked into the room.

"Did you break our little dare? Your little toy," Lotor said smirking. Lotor used to be the top inventor. He had told Keith that while Keith was gaining on him, the only way to beat him was to build an android. And Keith loved challenges. Pidge had become world famous and everyone could recognize her, some that were skeptical didn't realize how human she was, like Lance and the others.

"She is not my toy," Keith said, still glancing at Pidge to make sure that she was okay. Pidge finally stood up and regained her balance. She stepped away from Keith and straightend her posture.

"Sorry about that sir," Pidge said. "I don'tknow what happened," Lotor blinked. Her voice was more human than he remembered.

"Anything damaged?" Keith asked. Pidge closed her eyes. 

"No, sir. All information is intact. Although I can't connect to the Wi-fi or the dianostic," Pidge said. Then she grimanced."S-sir, there is a cord still attached to my back,"

"I'll get it," Keith said worried. She had grimanced. He walked behind her to see that the cord was plugged in to...nothing. She was bleeding and the cord was like a bullet inside her. " are bleeding. This might hurt," Keithput his hand on her shoulder and yanked out the cord. Pidge almost doubled back, but Keith caught her. "One of you call a doctor," 

"I'm a doctor," Lance said. "I am in the medical technology area," Keith laid Pidge on her stomach and Lance looked at the hole in her back. He grabbed a nearby medical kit and stiched her back up and cleaned up the wound. "Keith. She will be fine but..."

"But what?" Keith asked, already knowing the answer.

"Pidge. She is completely human. You created a super human. You created life,"

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