Chapter 4: "Lost in a cornfield looking for Cryptids" AU

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I am in my family's traditional Lord of the Rings/Hobbit marathon as I am writing this so if the language is weird and the situation intense it is because I am in Helm's Deep.

Matt was freaking out. It was his job to watch over his little sister, and now she was gone and had taken the most random things. He was on the phone with his best friends Shiro, taking as like a teenage girl whose crush just asked her out on a date.

"Matt, calm down. I am on my way," Shiro said.

"But she took her paintball gun! And the wolves in these parts aren't afraid of she could be killed!" Matt said pacing. "It's the middle of the night too! She could have run away, she could have gotten lost, she could be out hunting Bigfoot for all I can tell!"

"Look I just reached my house. I am going to put my stuff down and---no,"

"What?!" Matt asked.

"Keith left a note on the fridge. Shiro, I, the bravest of all Cryptid finders, have taken up my quest to defeat the creatures that lurk at the heart of the field. Grieve not if I fail to return. I did not die in vain. So cringy, but he's gone too,"

"Come to my place, we need to find our siblings,"

------------------------------------------Meanwhile with Kidge--------------------------------------------

The wolves had found them. Pidge and Keith stood back to back on the roof of the tractor, guns at the ready. The pack was a small group of five wolves, but that didn't make them any less deadly. Wolves are marathoners. They can run days kill a beast eat it then run another day's journey. 

"Keith, it was but fate that led us together," Pidge said dramatically. She, like Keith, spoke in tongues sometimes, "If this fate shall befall us, I am glad it was by your side,"

"Maybe if time had let our paths cross before the end we could have been great friends," Keith replied. "Hold fire til you see the white's of their eyes!"

"FOR NARNIA!" Pidge cried. "AND-"

"FOR GONDOR!" Keith and Pidge cried. They aimed their guns.

"Until death do us part!" Keith said.

"Until the bitter end my friend!" Pidge replied. "The knives! We both had knives! If we load them in the guns...-"

"Y'all, it's hunting season!" Keith shouted. Pidge tinker with her gun until the 8 knives they had could be fired from them. "I'll protect you, you must destroy these dire wolves from the gates of the Undead!" Pidge aimed for the one closet to her. She steadied her weapon and fired. 

The silver blade pierced the monsters though, and he wandered off staggering. Pidge aimed for the next one, her heart beating and her morals beginning to falter.

Keith opened fired on the wolves that got to close. But he knew he could not hold them off for long. "Pidge! Pidge it must be done! If we are to save the world we must fight another day,"

Pidge closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She fired, missing. She fired again hitting him in the forehead.

----------------------------Meanwhile with the worry worts--------------------------------------

Shiro and Matt paced the Holt porch. Trying to think of what and where to go and do next. Then they saw the beacon, heard the howl and call of the beasts, and heard the fire of a gun.

"Pidge and Keith!" Matt and Shiro said. They grabbed their hunting guns and ran into the maze. 


"Pidge there are 2 more!" Keith said. 

"I count 1!" Pidge said firing and finishing one of the wolves. "No! That was the last blade! And that last one is the Alpha we're done!"

Keith's hand drifted to the knife his father had given him. Pidge's eyes went wide when she caught sight of the knife. She would not let him fight the last one off. Not ever.

Pidge swiftly took the knife and jumped down, plunging the knife into the beasts head. The Aphla was dying quickly but with its last breath, it tore his claw across Pidge's shoulder.

She cried out in pain and the beast died.

"NOOO!" Keith roared. He jumped down and scooped Pidge up in his arms. He slipped his knife into his sheath and took his jacket and tightly wrapped it around her wound stopping the blood. Keith looked down at Pidge, his eyes brimming with tears. "Why? Why did you do that?!"

"You were going to...better me than you," Pidge said. "We just meet, but I feel like I have known you for a lifetime. I was not going to lose the only friend I had ever made,"

"Have! You are not going to die!" Keith said. He heard the cornstalks being pushed in the distance. He picked Pidge up and put her in the tractor where she fell asleep. Then he took his gun and stood on the roof ready. 

Matt and Shiro ran into the clearing, only to be pelted with paintballs. "PIDGE! IT IS YOU BROTHER!" The fire stopped to reveal Keith standing on a tracker, in the first ring.

"Keith! Have you seen Pidge!" Shiro said. Both he and Matt ran to him. Then they saw the wolves. 

"I tried to protect her, but she took my knife to deal with the Alpha," Keith said climbing down, tears finally falling.

"It's okay," Matt said putting a hand on Keith's shoulder. "Where is she?"

The group went to the ER. Pidge got a cast and a firm scolding. From then on Pidge and Keith were fast friends, ignoring the warning and going on many many more dangerous missions. On one adventure even getting into trouble with a national gang. But that's is a story for another time. They went on to solve mysteries, travel to dangerous places, and ultimately help many people. They would never part.

Not even by the doing of death itself.

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