Check Meowt Now: Sneak Peak

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Hey! This is an idea by @ZeeEpicMooStash! Just so you know, this week I will be writing a lot more than normal, and the suggestion box link is on my conversations page if you have an idea. I have about 5 right now so I might not write it the day of, but I will try to get to it! Enjoy!

Pidge was the first one awake. And she was the first one to realize that the Lions had turned themselves into house cats of their color. She gathered them all up and locked them and herself on the bridge. 

Each of the Lions had their own personality which only made containing the worse. The Yellow Lion was extremely shy and kept hiding and running. The Blue Lion kept rubbing up against her leg purring and making her trip. The Green Lion was super curious and was playing around with the tech. The Red Lion was mean and kept hissing at Pidge. The Black Lion was constantly sleeping.

"Pidge!" Allura said, calling into the bridge from another room. "Why did you seal yourself in the bridge,"

"Allura it's kind of hard to-" Pidge stopped and dropped out of the view of the screen, "GREEN DON'T PUSH THAT OFF! RED YOU GET BACK HERE RIGHT NOW-STOP HISSING AT ME!" 

"Pidge? Pidge!" Allura asked Pidge appeared on the screen again, this time with a red cat in her arms. 

"I'm here," Pidge said. The Red Lion gave that meow that sounded like a cry for help.  She petted her to shut her up, "Oh shh. You're not dying,"

"Who's that?" Allura asked. 

"Red," Pidge answered. "The Lions became house cats and you decide to sleep in," Red meowed again.

Closer to the Ground (Kidge One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now